Page 64 of Awakening His Mate

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I won't. I probably should, yet unlike Cade’s, his grip on me isn’t hard. It’s not meant to hurt or subdue me. It's only for appearance's sake.

“We can just walk out together. I have to talk to Jackson anyway?—”

“You walk out of here with me by your side, and those other vargr assholes will do exactly what he did. They’ll attack. As soon as we’re past the wards, I’ll let you go. I promise. You can talk to your man and come to us after.”

“How will I find you?”

“I’ll meet you tomorrow at noon. There’s a diner in Laurel Falls.”

I lodge that information in my brain as he guides me outside, careful not to go too fast in case I stumble. Ayden’s tall for his age, though nowhere near as big as Jackson and the others, which means I have to bow my back slightly to notch under his forearm. This is an insane plan, but I also know there is no other way Ayden will walk out of here. He’s right when he says that he’ll be attacked the moment he’s spotted.

I try not to think about Jackson and how much this will hurt him. He’s going to be furious that I sided with Ayden, and as much as he’s at odds with Cade, he’s not going to be happy I used my power on him.

I try not to dwell on that, focusing on the bigger picture instead. I want him on my side, and I don’t want to contemplate what I’ll do if he refuses. First things first, though—and that means getting Ayden out of here. I can talk to Jackson after he’s safely away.

I should have known nothing about this was going to be straightforward. As soon as we step out into the cold, we are surrounded. Sawyer and Wyatt are waiting, deadly looks on both of their faces. Halle and Roux are also close by, their hands raised, ready to attack.

“Don’t!” I yell. “He’s not a threat.”

“No, he’s not,” Sawyer says, “but you sure as hell are.”

“What did you do to Cade?” Halle’s words are sharp, and her expression is homicidal as she glares at me. “Where’s my fucking mate?”

Fuck. I grip Ayden’s forearm, not sure if I’m urging him to release me or to hold tighter.

“He attacked me first,” I protest, but these are not the right people to hear my defense.

“What were you doing that made Cade attack you?” Sawyer demands. His voice is ice.

I am so out of my depth.

Ayden tightens his grip on my throat, forcing a gasp out of me. “Stay back, or I’ll break her neck.”

The venom in his words almost makes me believe he just might do that. Have I underestimated the situation?

No… Ayden won’t hurt me. He needs me to get him out of the Sanctuary.

“Everyone just calm down,” Roux says, trying as always to be the voice of reason, but I’m not sure even she can handle this situation.

They will never want to work with the male hybrids, and I don’t see a way for us to survive without joining forces.

“Let us leave, and no one has to get hurt.” Ayden inches away from the doorway, moving toward the edge of the garage building.

I crab walk with him, trying to feel my way along the asphalt without tripping since I can’t look down.

“Let her go and get on your knees and you won’t get hurt.” Wyatt steps closer, making Ayden snarl at him and tighten his hold on my neck so much that it makes me grunt.

I scent Cade a moment before he grabs Ayden. I’m torn out of his arms by Sawyer and shoved behind the others so hard I stumble, losing my footing, and sprawl on the ground.

My knees burn, my palms too, but I push up, ignoring my pain as I try to reach Ayden. I barely make two steps before thick arms wrap around my chest, tugging me back against a solid wall of muscle.

Wyatt holds me so tight that I know I won’t be able to free myself, but I fight anyway. I start to unleash my magic, but Roux and Halle hit me first. The power that I’ve always felt beating inside my chest is doused like the flame of a candle under a snuffer.

Panic rises through me. I’ve never been cut off from my power, and although I know it is only temporary, I can’t stop myself from freaking out.

I scream, yell, fight with everything I have, and without warning, Wyatt releases me. I fall onto my hands and knees on the asphalt again. I groan at the jarring pain in my bones just as I glimpse Jackson slam his fist into Wyatt’s face.

The vargr wolf stumbles back as if his jaw is made of glass, blood trailing from his lip. Jackson grabs him by the shirt, drawing his fist back and smashing it into his face again.

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