Page 92 of Awakening His Mate

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As we approach what looks like a perimeter fence, my insides twist. There’s a gate at the end of the track, and it looks like a military facility, which puts my hackles up. My wolf paces anxiously, sensing my own discomfort.

Any sign of trouble, we fight, Cade says through the pack link.

I take in everything as the car stops at the gate. There are two men standing guard, and I don’t miss the semiautomatic weapons they’re holding. I’m not a fan of guns. When you have an inbuilt predator, there’s no need to rely on human weapons, but most hybrids can’t shift. I can scent one of them is tau, and the other is a vargr. I study him curiously, wondering what brought him here. I notice he keeps his finger hovering over the trigger even as we pass through the gate, as if he is ready for any kind of altercation. I feel a ripple of magic—wards, designed to keep this place hidden. I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse.

There is a lot of security here, Cade mutters.

That’s a good thing, right? That means the girls are better protected. Wyatt sounds tired. We need to get him somewhere he can rest.

It’s only good if they are, in fact, the good guys, Sawyer says. If they aren’t, it’ll be harder for us to leave if things go wrong.

It’s a good thing, I say, glancing at Dove, who is leaning forward to peer through the windows. We can’t keep them safe any longer without help.

As the trees start to thin out, the driveway opens out into what looks like a large compound. There are properties spread around, some single-story, others with multiple levels. They are squat concrete structures, nothing like the softness of the cabins at the Sanctuary.

Archie twists in the front seat to look at me. “Told you it wasn’t pretty, but it’s home. And it’s safe.”

I don’t know if he says that last bit for my benefit, but it doesn’t loosen the tension in my chest.

“You guys always armed?”

Beck’s eyes shift to the rearview mirror. “We’re prepared. We take precautions, but the Order is still dangerous. Callum wants everyone safe.”

Apryle turns to me, her voice dropping low. “Anyone else getting a cult vibe?”

Dove snorts, but I’m not sure I disagree. It is a community off the beaten track. I warn my wolf to keep his guard up and to alert me to anything suspicious.

Beck pulls the truck into a space next to the other vehicles in front of a huge building. There are a few flatbed trucks and two buses parked nearby. When he cuts the engine and he and Archie get out, I don’t move right away, taking a second to check for danger before I open the door.

When I climb out, I wince a little at the residual pain from the attack. Dove makes an irritated sound when I block the door with my body, stopping her from getting out. I don’t know what I’m looking for, but I only help her out of the vehicle when I’m certain there’s no threat.

“I love that you want to protect me, but you’re the one who’s injured, Jackson.”

“I’m fine,” I say. “Halle healed me.”

“Not completely. I can see you’re still hurting.”

It shouldn’t surprise me that she can see right through me. I’m the same with her.

Callum wanders over as he gets out of the SUV, and the others join us. He glances over his shoulder, looking at the large property behind us. “It’s not pretty to look at, not like your sanctuary, but it does the job. There’s around thirty of us here, all various forms of hybrids. You guys will be boosting our numbers, which is a welcome thing. We’ve been fighting an uphill battle lately.”

“Guessing we’re not free to come and go as we please,” Cade comments.

I slide a glance in Wyatt’s direction, who is currently being held up by Sawyer.

“You’re not prisoners here,” Callum says. “We have specific rules about how to come back, just to ensure that you don’t lead the Order to us, but you can come and go as much as you want.”

I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse, but it does make it feel less like a prison, despite the chain-link fences and gates we passed through to get here.

“I hope this will become your home, your safe place, in time.”

“I hope so too,” Cade says, though his tone suggests he’s still wary.

“Let me show you where you’ll be sleeping. I’ll put you in a block together. I figured you wouldn’t want to be separated.”

He figured right. There is no way in hell I am going anywhere without the girls or my brothers. We stick together until the bitter end.

He starts to walk, and as we pass the cars that contained Callum’s men, I spot Ayden leaning against the trunk. He gives Dove a smile, which she returns.
