Page 64 of The Prophet

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“Then that’s your answer.” A beautiful smile transforms her sharp features. “We’ll look at your contract with Nickodemus and figure out your options so you can decide.”

“Thank you.” I pull her down for a kiss full of gratitude. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Kick ass and take names like you always do.” She settles back onto my chest with a contented sigh. “You’re an amazing man, capable of great things, even without me.”

“No.” I wrap my arm around her, pulling her close. “You make me better.”

We fall into a comfortable silence, enjoying the simple pleasure of holding each other.

As I lay staring up at the ceiling, I can’t help but think about how far we’ve come. We started out as rivals on opposite sides of the law and now we work side-by-side for the same cause.

Pen may think I’m strong on my own, but together we’re stronger than any force that tries to tear us apart.

Pen’s smoky voice breaks the quiet. “Your training with Syl’vyn seems to be going well. You moved this couch like it was nothing.”

“Desperate situations call for quick thinking.” I roll to crush her into the back cushions. “There was no way we were using the desk.”

Giggling, she presses her foot against the couch and shoves me onto my back once more. “What else is she teaching you?”

“A bit about fae history, though it’s like pulling teeth to get her talking.” I shift to unstick my bare ass from the leather. “She told me about courts and how power attracts like power to create new sithes.”

“Sounds familiar.” She traces a nail around my nipple. “That’s what the JTFPI was, and what the Bone Guard now is.”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“You’re a fae prince who’s surrounded himself with humans who have fae blood, all loyal to you.” She walks her fingers up my throat to my chin. “Soon, you’ll be claiming your sithe.”

I bite at her fingertips before she taps me on the nose. “I wouldn’t call Clearhelm a sithe.”

“I bet, if you ask Syl’vyn, she’d say otherwise.” Pen lifts onto her elbow once more, her eyebrows raised. “Speaking of which, don’t you think that blond reporter reminds you of?—”

Her words are cut off as the door bangs against the wall, and Flint rushes inside.

He barely pauses to take in our nude bodies as he bends to pick up a pair of pants and throw them at us. “Put your damn clothes on! We’ve got something important to discuss. Be in the strategy room in five minutes!”

Pen and I exchange a glance as Flint races back out of the room, leaving the door open.

Cool air sweeps in from the outer office, along with excited voices, and we scramble to get dressed.

As we do, my mind races with possibilities for what Flint discovered. It has to be big for him to have not even made a joke about finding us naked at work.

“Ugh, I hate having to put my guard uniform back on.” Pen pauses with her heavy canvas pants in her hand to stare at me. “I don’t suppose you could summon my clothes the same way you summoned the couch?”

“Believe me, if I could, I would. It’s not that simple, though.” I fasten the buttons on my shirt. “To transport an object, I need a clear mental image as well as its location. I can’t remember what you wore this morning, so if I tried, we’d end up with a mess of clothes, weapons, and personal effects landing on the floor.”

She grimaces as she drags on her stiff pants. “Might be worth it.”

I secure my buckle. “Instead of grabbing your clothes, there’s also a good chance I’d pull your entire locker into the office.”

“Fine.” She searches around before groaning. “My shoes are still in the changing room.”

“We can fix that without magic.” I grab the receiver still attached to my belt and press the button on the side. “Johannsson.”

The speaker crackles. “Yes, boss?”

“Go to the Bone Guard office and get Pen’s shoes, then meet us at the Hub. We’ll be in the planning room.”

A groan fills the office. “I just got my dinner.”
