Page 65 of The Prophet

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“Oh, good idea. Pick up food for everyone else, too, before you head over.” I turn off the device and grin at Pen. “Problem solved.”

“What was that about worrying if you could be a ruler?” She gives me a sweeping bow. “My prince.”

“Ha ha.” I smooth the wrinkles from my shirt. “Now, let’s see what Flint found.”

By the time we step out of the room, the large space is empty, so we hustle upstairs, well past the five-minute window Flint gave us.

The door to the planning room swings open to reveal bustling activity. Meredith, Marc, and Darius all sit at the conference table, while Flint, Savannah, Xander, and Reese set up at the front of the room, their expressions full of tense excitement.

I slide into the chair next to Marc and lean over. “Any idea what this is about?”

He shakes his head. “For once, pretty boy is keeping it a secret until we’re all present.”

Darius leans past Marc to stare at me, his fiery brows raised. “What were you and Merripen working on downstairs?”

Heat creeps up my neck, but I keep my expression blank. “We were discussing the pros and cons of me taking on the mayoral position.”

Interest lights his face, and Marc turns in his seat to face me. “What did you decide?”

“I need to speak to Nickodemus before I can do anything.” Despite the words, a thrill of excitement goes through me. “But I think I can make good changes in Clearhelm.”

Marc squeezes my shoulder. “Of course you can.”

Darius reaches over to clasp my arm, his skin hot against mine. “And we can always kill Bailey if he tries to undermine your endeavors.”

“Still not going to green light a hit on him.” I smile to take the sting out of my refusal. “But I appreciate the sentiment.”

The ignis demon and fire witch exchange a glance that speaks volumes.

I give them both the no-nonsense stare I perfected as a police captain. “I mean it.”

“Sure.” Marc squeezes my shoulder again. “We hear you loud and clear.”

I turn to Pen. “Tell them we’re not killing Bailey.”

“Killing Bailey sounds delightful.” A bloodthirsty grin curves the lips I kissed only minutes ago. “Sign me up.”

“No.” I point a finger at her before swinging it on Marc and Darius. “No.”

Flint clears his throat. “Please, if we could have quiet from the peanut gallery.”

“Boo!” Marc wads up a piece of paper and throws it at Flint. “Get on with it, pretty boy. We’re all skipping dinner for this.”

“Or skipping something even better.” Meredith peers over her computer screens at me and Pen and waggles her eyebrows. “Do I need to hire a cleanup team for the visitor’s office?”

Laughter ripples through the room, and amused smirks turn our way. I should have known our assignation downstairs wouldn’t fly under the radar.

“Thanks, Meredith.” Pen glares at our secretary. “You’re always looking out for us.”

“Do the crime, pay the time.” She wags a finger at us. “The couch you hijacked was for clients.”

Darius turns to Marc. “I was right. You owe me dinner at Antonio’s.”

“I never said you were wrong,” Marc protests. “And I didn’t agree to buy you dinner.”

“Steak tartare,” Darius purrs. “All I can eat.”

“I want Antonio’s, too.” Savannah rubs her flat stomach. “I have dreams about their ribeyes.”
