Page 75 of The Prophet

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Deep within Merri, I find the firebird, imprisoned by ice, her wings pulled close as her glow dims, near extinguishment.

Flint’s voice over the speaker sounds as if it comes from far away. “Stop playing around. We’re losing her, Darius.”

I ignore him and throw myself at the cage, the cold burning with a killing chill. It threatens to snuff me out, to lock me here in this frozen prison with my love.

Channeling more of my energy, I slowly push back against the ice, melting the freezing bars until they thin enough for me to reach past, to touch one trembling wing of the firebird held prisoner.

The banking flames in her feathers strengthen, spreading warmth through her body. I send more of my power, my core dimming, the fire within me weakening as I pour myself into reviving Merri.

“It’s working, Darius,” Flint cautions through the speakers, urgency in his words. “Just a little more.”

My heart pounds, too fast and yet too slow at the same time. Merri still needs more. What I have isn’t enough.

With a groan, I release my hold on my human form. Flesh melts away to black coals and flowing lava, to fire and smoke. But I can’t think of that now.

Merri requires all of my focus.

The firebird within Merri grows brighter, her strength returning as I continue to feed her my energy. Despite my waning power, awe and pride fill me as she rises, breaking through what remains of the cage to spread her wings.

My goddess. My love. My destruction.

I pull back, my chest heaving with exhaustion as I open my eyes to watch the flames spread through Merri’s body, a golden radiance dancing around the concrete room. Her ash-blond hair turns to pure gold as it lifts into the air, turning to flame.

Blond lashes flutter, then lift, and the firebird stares up at me, death and rebirth swimming in her ancient gaze.

“My lady.” I cup her cheek and the hungry vortex within her latches onto my fire, drawing it into her to fuel her ascent.

The speakers crackle to life once more, Flint’s voice urgent. “Darius, she has enough. Pull back. You’re too low on power.”

I lean toward her, drawn to my destruction. “She still needs more.”

“She’ll take everything you have!” The rising flames devour Flint’s words. “Back off!”

My eyes lock with the firebirds. “I give all of myself to you.”

Head dipping, my lips settle over hers, and the world falls away, leaving only the two of us. A cinder of a man and the goddess who will burn through me to live.

I pour every ounce of love, every shared memory, every whispered promise into the kiss, willing her to feel it, to respond, to take a piece of me with her into eternity.

The flames in her eyes flicker, recognition in their depths, and she pulls back. “Dar…Darius?”

“Merri.” Her name leaves on a puff of smoke as I sag against her. “You’re back.”

“What…?” She glances around the room in confusion. “What’s going on?”

“Dammit, Darius, you gave her too much!” Flint’s voice cracks over the speaker. “Don’t you dare die before I’ve had a chance to forgive you!”

Merri lifts her hand, staring at the fire dancing on her skin, then takes in the slowing flow of lava through my body, the glow darkening to black.

“No.” Horror fills her eyes. “Darius, why?”

“I wanted to, my love.” I fall onto my back, a smile cracking my lips. “Do not mourn me.”

Anger twists her features. “You do not get to die a hero, Darius of Fumantis.”

Hands filled with flames slam down on my chest, fire roaring back into me. My back arches, and a scream rips from my throat.

But my lady shows no mercy as she reignites the furnace inside of me, shoving all the flames I gifted her back into me with ruthless force.
