Page 79 of The Prophet

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At a door next to the entrance, we stop and turn to the witches.

Darius extends his hand to Xander. “I cannot thank you enough for your help. Without you, Pen might have been lost to us.”

Flushing at the praise, Xander shakes his hand. “No thanks needed. You’d do the same for us.”

Darius turns to Reese, and as they shake, he leans in. “It would take a volcano to do what I did for Merri.”

Reese’s eyes widen in surprise. “Is that a normal amount of power for an ignis demon to hold?”

“No.” Darius releases his hand and steps back.

With final goodbyes, Flint unlocks the door beside the entrance and pulls it open. He gestures Darius through first, and he vanishes from one step to the next.

I follow, the tingles of a portal washing over me, and the Hub comes into view.

Flint joins us, and we walk the short distance to the Harbor, hyper-aware of our vulnerable state among the denizens of the Bone Yard. Anny races around us, barking at anyone who ventures too close until we enter the warded safety of the hotel.

The ride up to our floor passes in a blur.

Thankfully, Flint has a keycard to our room, since both mine and Darius’s burned away. We’ll have to pay a fine and pick up new cards tomorrow morning.

For now, all I want is to make sure my people are safe, then I want to shower, crawl into bed, and sleep for a week.

We enter the room to find the lights on, and Flint calls out, “Hey, guys, are you back?”

Anny races ahead, her nails tapping on the floor.

“We’re here.” Marc’s voice drifts from the main room.

Eager to set eyes on him and Sharpe, my steps quicken. I pass Flint at the bedroom and step into the dining area, where my gaze drinks in Sharpe and Marc, verifying for myself that they’re uninjured.

Then another figure in the room catches my attention, and anger burns through me. “What the hell is he doing here?”

Bailey rises from the settee. “Ms. Cay. A pleasure, as always.” His eyes rake over me, and he sneers. “Have you taken up a new profession that doesn’t require clothing?”

Darius storms past me. “How dare you besmirch my lady?”

“Hang on there.” Flint grips his arm, pulling him to a stop. “Don’t kill him.”

Darius whips around to glare at him. “Do you not know what he’s implying?”

“Oh, I know.” Flint’s cold eyes settle on Bailey. “Apologize before I rip out your soul and stuff it into a bottle to torment for eternity.”

Sharpe holds up his palms in a calming gesture. “Everyone, take a breath.”

“No, I like Flint’s idea.” Marc crosses his arms over his chest. “I was against bringing him here in the first place.”

“I’m paying you to protect me,” Bailey blusters, his face turning red.

“The hell you are!” Flint’s hands move to his hips. “What is going on here?”

“He’s been marked.” Sharpe gestures at Bailey. “Show them.”

Face still flushed, Bailey turns and pushes down his pants.

Flint spins away, his hand flying up to cover his eyes. “Oh, come on, I don’t want to see that!”

“My lady, avert your gaze.” Darius steps in front of me to block my view of Bailey’s hairy ass.
