Page 80 of The Prophet

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My ignis demon moves too slowly, though, and I catch sight of the sigil burned into one flabby buttock.

As Bailey fixes his clothes, I step around Darius. “Which sin is it?”

“Sloth.” Sharpe’s face sets with determination. “We have to keep Bailey alive.”

“No.” Rage crashes through me for all the evil this man has done against us.

And now we’re expected to help him? Not after the night I’ve had. Striding forward, I grab Bailey’s arm.

“Pen, wait.” Sharpe tries to stop me, but Marc holds him back.

“Let him take his chances out there.” I drag Bailey past Darius and Flint. “He can die like the others.”

“No! You can’t do this!” He digs in his heels and twists toward Sharpe. “You can’t allow her throw me out! You’re better than this!”

“He is, but I am not.” I wrench him onto his toes to get him moving again.

Bailey grabs onto the bedroom doorway. “I’ll pay you double!”

I peel his fingers from the frame. “No amount of money is worth saving your disgusting hide.”

“Anything!” He claws at my hold. “Name your price!”

I stop within arm’s reach of the door. “Anything?”

“Yes! You want your old jobs back?” He nods eagerly. “Say the word and your licenses will be returned. I’ll even open the JTFPI back up.”

I shove him against the wall. “Step down.”

He stares at me in confusion. “What?”

“Withdraw from the position of mayor.” I lean in close, our noses nearly touching. “Resign from the police force.”

The blood drains from his face. “No, I can’t?—”

“Give up your power within Clearhelm,” I say over the top of his protest. “Sign a contract to follow our every direction to save your life, and when this is over, you will leave our city and never return.”

A stunned silence follows as Bailey gapes.

“Well?” I raise my eyebrows. “Which do you choose? Your life or your career?”

wards for the enemy

- Flint -

Symbols glow beneath Xander’s fingers as he paints them onto the exterior of the cabin while I walk in a slow circle, dumping out a thick line of salt. Reese follows behind, sprinkling in pieces of iron to guard against the black dog.

After Bailey agreed to Pen’s bargain to save his own hide, things moved quickly. Darius produced a contract in record time and had it filed before Bailey’s blood dried.

While he took care of that, Pen and Marc put their heads together to figure out which of our safe houses to use. I called up Reese and Xander, catching them on their way to bed to let them know we’d need their services in a few hours.

Now the sun dips toward the horizon as I work to ward the small cabin for Bailey.

At least I’m not going to be stuck here with him. If I had drawn the short straw on babysitting duty, I would have killed him, contract or no contract. The smug little weasel has been on this earth too long already.

“Are you sure you’re doing this right?” Bailey’s voice grates on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard.

I pause to glance up and find the man of the hour hovering in the doorway. “Go back inside.”
