Page 81 of The Prophet

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Ignoring my command, he leans out to glare at Xander. “How do I know you’re really putting up magical wards? For all I know, you’re finger painting.”

“We’re protecting you.” I struggle to rein in my temper while my blood boils beneath the surface.

Just one little tug and his shriveled soul would be outside his body. No more wondering what new stunt he’ll pull to make our lives miserable.

“The spell is linked to the ley lines running under the cabin.” Xander draws a circle and links the next step of the spell into it. “It won’t fail as long as you stay inside.”

“What’s with the salt?” Bailey scuffs his toe through the line in front of the door, breaking it. “You expect me to put my life in the hands of something that a stiff breeze could blow away? What if it rains?”

“Listen here.” I grind my teeth and fight the urge to throttle him as I retrace my steps to fix the damage. “The wards will protect the circle, and the circle protects you. But it only works if you don’t fuck around with it.”

“I don’t know why we couldn’t stay at the hotel.” He folds his arms over his barrel chest. “It felt a hell of a lot safer than this rickety shack with doodles on the walls.”

“Doodles?” My hands tighten on the bag I hold until my knuckles ache. “These are ancient symbols, you ignorant asshole! Each one is carefully chosen and placed to guard this cabin from any harm.”

Despite my dislike for Bailey, we’re doing this job, and I’ll be damned if I’ll stand here while he questions our abilities.

“Right,” Bailey drawls, clearly unimpressed. “I’m supposed to trust you not to let something slip through? You already threatened to kill me once today.”

“The contract goes both ways,” I say through clenched teeth. “We swore to protect you, and you promised to listen to our directions until this is over. If either of us break our agreement, we face unpleasant repercussions from the demon court that aren’t worth being subjected to just to fuck you over. Although you’re making it tempting.”

“Sure.” He rolls his eyes. “Like I believe you.”

“Look, you son of a bitch.” My magic surges out to wrap around his greasy little soul. “If I wanted you dead, you’d be dead.”

Bailey gurgles, clutching at his chest.

I squeeze his soul, and his eyes bulge. “I’ve dreamed about all the ways I could kill you.”

“Flint.” Marc appears in the doorway behind Bailey, his tone a mixture of caution and exasperation.

“Let me make one thing clear.” I step forward, my face inches from his, glaring into his beady eyes. “If I decide to reap your soul, there’s nothing you can do to stop me. And I promise, it will not involve this level of subterfuge. You will simply die. So believe me when I say that if these wards fail, it won’t be because of a vendetta.”

“Hey!” Marc steps between us. “That’s enough. Both of you.”

With an angry snarl, I release Bailey’s soul, and he sags against the door.

Marc turns to Bailey, his expression dark. “Listen, asshole, they’ve been working hard to ward this safe house. They’re the best witches in Clearhelm, so unless you want to bring in someone who’s second rate, I suggest you back off and let them finish their job.”

Bailey scoffs, brave now that my magic doesn’t hold him hostage. “You saw him threaten me! How am I supposed to trust him to guard me?”

“Would you two knock it off?” Marc’s patience snaps as he crowds into Bailey’s personal space to scowl down at the man. “Flint knows what he’s doing. You don’t need to babysit him.”

“If anything happens to you, it won’t be because of me.” I open and close my fist. “It will be because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut long enough for us to finish the job.”

Bailey hesitates for a moment, glaring between me and Marc as he weighs his options.

Finally, he lets out a huff of annoyance. “Fine. But if something goes wrong, I’m holding you responsible.”

If something goes wrong, he’ll be dead, and we’ll be one step closer to the Wild Hunt. I bite those words back, though, as he spins on his heel and stomps into the cabin.

Marc watches him leave before turning to me. “You know I can’t stand the guy any more than you, but we agreed to do our best to keep him alive, so stop tempting yourself by touching his soul.”

He reaches out to pull me under his arm. “Don’t dirty your magic like that. It’s gross.”

“Fine.” I huff out a laugh and push him away. “It is pretty gross.”

He ruffles my hair. “Finish up the wards so you guys can leave before dark.”
