Page 115 of Icing It

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I slowly open my eyes and my gaze traces its way from her foot—seriously, this woman is tiny all over—up the pretty curve of her calf, over her knee, and along the expanse of her bare thigh. The sheet is draped over her hip, hiding everything else. And though ‘everything else’ isn't typically a focus of my attention, I find myself smiling and wondering what she would do if I slid my hand up her thigh to her ass and started to warm her up for Alexsei.

I swear, she’s been a surprise since minute one.

But damn, last night was good. Not just the sex, though, of course, that was amazing, but just the way we all came together.

It was awesome. I want to do it again.

I think Alexsei and I have finally found our third.

I frown at that thought. It wasn't just the three of us, though.

I lift my head and look across the mattress. Instinctively, I know that there are only three of us in the bed, even before my mind actually registers it.

Owen is not here with us.

I'm not surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised.

It's not that I'm disappointed that another man didn't spend the night in my bed. I'm disappointed that he bailed, though. Because that's going to hurt Luna. It might even hurt Alexsei a little. I know my friend thinks that we've worked everything out. That we’ve got a happily ever after coming at us.

So the fact that Owen snuck out in the night is a middle finger to all of us.

I really thought he’d turned a corner. Sure, the whole thing was a big surprise to him and it took him a little while to warm up.

But when he got warm, he got hot.

He was there with us every second after he walked into the bedroom. I really thought he was in for the long haul.

My frown deepens. The long haul. What the fuck do I mean by that? Last night the idea of these three people being my future had flitted through my head. I hadn't had time to really dwell on it, but that's the problem with waking up before everybody else the morning after. Lots of time to think.

I throw back the covers and ease off of my side of the mattress. I'm awake now, for sure. Might as well have some coffee with these deep thoughts. Because not only do I need to figure out what Luna, Alexsei, and I are going to do going forward — and that actually feels like a pretty easy answer, to be honest — I now have to figure out what to do about Owen.

Because it's clear that Luna is not Owen's problem.

I walk past the couch toward the kitchen, then do a double-take.

I look at my couch and blink.

Owen is sprawled across the cushions, snoring softly.


So he didn't sneak out in the middle of the night. He didn't bail. Not entirely anyway. But he's not into sharing a bed with two other guys.

Well, I get that. I guess.

Maybe he just needed space.

I go into the kitchen, trying to decide how to handle this. I go for opening and closing the cupboards and drawers loudly.

Sure enough, five minutes later, Owen strolls into the kitchen. He takes a seat at the breakfast bar that divides the living area from the kitchen.

I glance over and see that he's pulled his jeans and shirt back on. But he's barefoot. His hair is mussed as if he's just run his hand through it a few times. He still looks a little sleepy, and very wary.

"Morning," I greet.


"How'd you sleep?" I turn and lean back against the counter, bracing my hands on the edge as the coffee percolates.
