Page 119 of Icing It

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Even watching her with the other guys, I realized there was a connection, something that went deeper than just the sex or even the chemistry.

There were real feelings there, and not just from the guys.

Luna is falling for them, too. If she's not already in love. That was why it could be as incredible as it was.

And there's been something else haunting me ever since my "talk" with Cam the next morning — he said she’s already made her choice. I was assuming he meant that the four of us together would be the ultimate relationship for her. Because we all bring her something different.

But maybe he meant she would choose them over me.

It feels like a punch right in the chest.

I recognize the truth of all of it. That I have to be cool with all four of us or nothing at all.

But I'm still hesitating.

This is all strange. Brand-new. Something I never imagined myself being a part of.

So I guess I'm wondering—do I love her?

At least, do I love her the way I need to love to let her have this? To be a part of something like this so that she can have what she wants and needs?

That's what I've been trying to figure out.

And now I am in the Racketeers locker room, preparing for practice, and feeling like Alexsei Ryan is everywhere I turn.

He's a big dude, but the locker room is filled with big dudes. Hell, I'm a big dude. Why does it feel like Alexsei is taking up more than his fair share of the space? Why does it feel like he is in front of me every time I turn around? Why can I hear his voice above everyone else's?

"Hey coach, have a good day off?" he asks, slapping me on the back as he walks past.

He's half-naked. He's getting dressed for practice but is being fucking slow as hell about it.

Again, the locker room is full of half-naked guys, but Alexsei is the only one I can focus on.

Which sounds weird.

Or it would have before the other night.

Now I know exactly why his nakedness is such a focus for me.

Because when the naked guy in the room is railing your girlfriend, and she's coming apart as if she's never been fucked that good before…yeah, some things make an impression.

I grit my teeth. "Fine," I say shortly.

He grins and fucking winks at me.

I want to shove him back. He’s standing way too fucking close.

The thing is, if I shoved Alexsei Ryan, the entire team would turn and stare.

Everyone loves him. He's a fucking lovable guy. He's an eternal optimist, always nice and fun to be around, friendly, constantly smiling, seemingly just enjoying life.

Okay, maybe not constantly smiling. When he’s on the ice, he's serious as fuck. And if you're playing on the other side of the puck, you don’t think he's such a nice guy.

He plays to win, and he's really fucking good.

I'm pretty sure most of the other teams in the league hate him, as a matter of fact. Maybe not as much as they hate Crew McNeill, because Crew’s mouthy as shit. Alexsei mostly lets his play speak for itself.

But he’s a good guy. He's a fucking ray of sunshine.
