Page 123 of Icing It

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He’s the first person I need to tell.

We're just back from Houston, having kicked ass in that playoff series, winning in four, and we are on our way to winning the whole fucking thing.

We’re home, out at the bar celebrating getting to the place we've all been working for since day one. Yes, since day one of the season, but really for most of us since day one of putting on our hockey skates and picking up a stick.

Every kid who plays hockey dreams of being a champion. Every player who gets drafted dreams of the Championship. Hell, the reason Crew McNeill came to Chicago in the first place was for this chance.

I could feel it in my bones the first time this particular group of Racketeers took the ice together. The cup is going to be ours.

And here we are, on the precipice.

On top of that, I'm totally, madly in love. And not just with Luna. I’ve got Cam, too. We finally figured our shit out—okay, I figured my shit out—and we’re living our life and love out loud.

Some of the team knows. Crew cornered me on the plane on the way to Houston and wanted to follow up on our conversation in the locker room a few days ago. He wanted to know all about the big things going on in my life. Because of Owen's reaction to everything that day, I found myself holding back about Luna, but I did tell Crew about me and Cam.

My friend was happy for me. And not surprised. He accepted everything with a huge grin and a, "That's amazing, man".

Crew’s a true friend. Which means I have to tell him about Luna.

Not just because he's her brother, but because I want her to be a part of me and Cam for good.

I'm already tired of hiding it.

So tonight's the night. I'm on top of the world, and coming out about having Luna McNeill in my life will just be the sprinkles on top of the very pretty, sweet cupcake she is in my life.

Plus, I want to do it when Crew’s in a good mood and tonight definitely qualifies.

Cam strolls through the door, looks around, and spots Owen and I sitting at a high top. He comes toward us with a huge grin.

He catches me in a big hug, thumping my back, and says against my ear, "I’m so fucking proud of you."

He has said those words to me before, several times over the years, but it feels different this time. I didn’t know that he loved me before and I hadn't acknowledged that I love him. Now that we have, his words sink deep into my chest. I pull back and give him a smile. "Thanks." Then I add, "Missed you."

I did. There was one thing missing from the huge win against Houston and that was having him and Luna in the stands.

It's just a truth of the hockey life that our loved ones are not going to be at every game. Especially the road games. I found myself looking up into the stands behind our bench out of habit.

That will be different for our run for the championship. Even when we’re out of town. I'm going to make sure they're there with us.

"Me, too. But of course, I watched." He takes a seat and grins at Owen. "Congrats, Coach."

Owen returns the smile. "Thanks. We’re in a really good place."

I know he's referring to the team, but the words, at least to me, summarize even more than hockey.

"Hey guys, I'm telling Crew tonight," I say without preamble.

Cam looks over at me, an eyebrow up. He knows instantly what I mean.

Owen, on the other hand, asks, "Telling Crew what?"

I look at him for a second, wondering if he'll figure it out. When he doesn't say anything more, I say, "About Luna. That I'm in love with her. That we've been seeing each other."

Owen slowly sets his beer down. "Do you really think that's a good idea?"

I nod. "I think it's a great idea. I told him about me and Cam. He was so happy for us. He's my friend, and he needs to know."

"Sure. But you and Cam are different than you and Luna."
