Page 160 of Icing It

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Though that’s more of an Alexsei move than a Cam one.

I take one step into the room and stop.

Owen’s here.

My brain tells me that fact before it really sinks in.

All three men are standing in the living room.

Each of them is holding a piping bag. Cam’s is blue, Owen’s is pink, and Alexsei’s is sunshine yellow.

Of course it is. Alexsei is also only wearing a towel, which normally would be very distracting, but it’s overshadowed by the fact that he’s standing next to Owen.

Then the fact that they are all three here really sinks in.

My heart starts pounding. “What’s going on?”

“Owen came by with a grand gesture to convince you that he loves you and he wants you back,” Cam says.

Owen is just staring at me, his jaw set firmly, not saying a word.

I swallow hard and cross my arms. I can’t just run into his arms or fall at his feet. He walked away. He stayed away.

“Okay, what’s the grand gesture?” I ask. This should be good. Owen’s not really a big lay-his-heart-out-in-front-of-everyone kind of guy.

“Well, that’s the problem,” Cam says. “He’s not very good at this stuff.”

Owen sighs. “I’ve been told I’m not a grand gesture kind of guy and that isn’t wrong. I’m a show-you-how-I-feel-by-fixing-things-guy. So I’m here to fix things, Luna.”

And my heart melts. My arms drop to my sides and I feel my eyes fill with tears. He looks vulnerable, but also determined.

“I’m listening.”

“Luna…” Owen starts, his voice gruff. “I was trying really hard to come up with a plan. Something I could do to show you that I’m sorry and that I love you and that I really do want all of this–you, the guys, the friendship, the love, the life. But…I guess I finally ran into something that I don’t know how to fix. At least not alone. I need all of you to help me. I realized that maybe you all don’t need me, but I fucking need you.”

He swallows, and I can feel the sob stuck in my throat. But I don’t dare even breathe, because the second I start crying, these guys will all gather around and try to make me feel better and I really want to hear the rest of what he has to say.

That will make me feel better.

Just him being here and trying.

That’s all I need.

“And,” he continues. “I’ve also realized that for the first time I want to be selfish and just take something I want and worry about deserving it as I go along.”

Jesus. This guy. He’s just so…good. Alexsei is so easy to love. I need him to brighten absolutely every single moment. Cam is also easy to love. I wouldn’t have believed that in the beginning, but the fact that he pushes me and loves my bratty side is what makes him perfect for me. But Owen is more of a challenge. He is real and knows life and relationships can be messy and he’s been hurt before. He does need me. And he will make me step up and be a better, braver, more open version of myself.

I can’t wait.

I step toward him. “Well, it’s a really good thing that you fell in love with me then,” I tell him. “Because you don’t need grand gestures. I accept people just as they are. I understand that people aren’t perfect and that they can love each other and still mess up sometimes. And I love you just the way you are.”

Owen’s gaze is hot on mine, and he clears his throat.

His voice is still gravelly, “I love you so damned much. Being away from you has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I can’t not be with you anymore. I want to do this thing with you.” He glances at Cam and Alexsei. “With all of you.” He looks at me again. “I’m sorry it took me so long to figure out that the things in my life that have been the most unexpected and the most out of my control–my son, and you three–are the best things to happen to me.”

I want to leap into his arms and kiss him like there’s no tomorrow, but I need to be sure he understands where I’m at. “You hurt me, Owen. You just walked away without even trying. You can’t do that again. Things are going to be messy sometimes. You have to stick it out with us when that happens.”

He nods. “I’m sorry. I thought if I just nipped it in the bud, I wouldn’t get hurt. Or hurt you. That was a bad plan.”
