Page 2 of Icing It

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Alexsei skates right up to the boards just then and taps the plexiglass, causing the two girls to jump, and Luna to finally look up from her phone. I haven’t been paying attention to the game at all. I don’t even know the score.

He points his stick at me, giving me a familiar grin. “You’re my ride home tonight.”

I give him a nod of acknowledgement. Whenever I’m at a game, he likes me to chauffeur his ass around afterward so he can rehash the whole game without crashing his SUV. Alexsei sucks at multitasking. He doesn’t need me to participate in those play-by-play dissections, just interject an “uh-huh” here and there. I don’t mind, because I’m not what anyone would call a chatty guy. I don’t need to talk. I like to do.

“The universe has delivered,” Dani says with a giggle.

“What?” Luna asks Alexsei, sounding a little bewildered but mostly intrigued. “I’m giving you a ride home? Um…sure, okay.” She shrugs. “Do you like chocolate chip pancakes?”

Her words are like a punch in the gut. Lust rears up, hot and eager, as I envision a night when Luna comes to our place for some naked fun, culminating in breakfast. I’m not a man who is led by his stomach—my dick definitely trumps my stomach—but I also won’t turn down pancakes.

Alexsei laughs, shakes his head, and points at me again.

“He means me,” I say.

Both Luna and Dani swivel around and gape at me.

“I’m his best friend and roommate, Cameron.” I lift a brow. “But yes, we both like chocolate chip pancakes.”

“Oh, shit, sorry,” Luna gives me a weak smile. “Hi.” She turns back around. “Well, that’s embarrassing,” she mutters to Dani.

I doubt this woman spends much time being embarrassed. I bet she lives her life on her own terms. I fucking love that. But I also love that I just rattled her a little.

I’d like to rattle her a lot.

No. Her words were definitely not embarrassing. More like the answer to my problem.

No need to fish for a woman online when I have a perfect candidate right in front of me. Alexsei already has a thing for Luna. He hasn’t told me that, but I see how he looks at her. I just never got the impression she returned that interest. But now…

They would be damned good together. She’s feisty, and he’s a people pleaser. He’d be all about her. And she would probably think she could boss him around. She’d be wrong, though. Because I’ll be there.

And I’m the boss.

“Not as embarrassing as having your butt on the jumbotron.” Dani laughs. “And hey, there’s two right there. You only have to collect a third to be like me.”

A third is not on my agenda.

The buzzer ends the period.

I glance up to check the score and shoot off a text to Alexsei. He’ll see it when the game is over, but I want to give him a heads-up.

Working on something. You already like her.

Crew McNeill skates to the bench and then, as the players all take the tunnel to the locker room, he leaves the line and leans in to kiss Dani.

The crowd goes wild.

“You’re on the KissCam again,” Luna says to her. “Make it count.”

Personally, I would rather shove red-hot needles in my eyes than kiss someone for the KissCam.

I have a feeling Luna McNeill would be in full agreement with me.



“Don’t look,” I say, shifting on the balls of my feet as I pretend to glance down at my phone, “but Alexsei’s grumpy friend is staring at me right now.”

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