Page 4 of Icing It

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“Hey, Luna?”

It’s him. Grumpy Adonis. I turn automatically. “Yes?”

Damn it. My voice sounds breathy, flirty.

He peels himself off the wall. “I know a fantastic stress reliever.”

I do, too, and it’s not green tea or yoga. “Are you eavesdropping on my private conversation?” I demand, because being rude is my only defense against his chocolate brown eyes and whiskey-smooth voice.

“I’m not trying to listen. You’re three feet away from me and the acoustics here are amplifying your voice.” The corner of his mouth turns up. “You think I’m grumpy, but beautiful.”

Oh, Jesus. He heard all of that. “How do you know I was talking about you?”

He looks left and right before pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. “Who else here is Alexsei’s grumpy but beautiful friend?”

No one can possibly fit that description. The hallway is full of women—girlfriends, and wives, plus a few press personnel.

But I’m desperate. Sammy the Malamute is walking toward us. “Him,” I say, pointing to the unknown person inside the mascot suit. It could even be a woman in there for all I know, but it doesn't matter.

Cameron’s eyebrows lift. “You think the guy in the mascot costume is grumpy?” But then he shrugs. “I guess I would be grumpy, too, if I was dressed like a dog.”

I nod, relieved he is going to let me off the hook. “Well, have a good night.”

I turn back to Dani, only she’s now snuggled into my brother, kissing him tenderly. He wraps his arms around her tightly and pulls her closer, looking besotted.

I’m thrilled for them. They’re a good fit and for years I’ve wanted Dani to find a man who worships the ground she walks on. But their timing sucks. I’m left standing here awkwardly, searching for any reason not to look at Cameron. I might be forced to talk to Sammy, who is also staring at me. I think. It’s hard to tell with his tiny eye holes beneath his glass dog eyes.

The air behind me shifts as Cameron moves in closer to me. I know it’s him without looking because my nipples get hard.

“Sex,” he murmurs in my ear.

I nearly jump out of my skin. “Why the fuck are you so close to me?” I demand, even as a shiver rolls over me from the whisper of his warm breath on my skin and the rumble of his voice. “And what about sex?”

My voice drops on the last word, like my mother’s does when she talks about cancer. I’ve lost my cool. I’m never this not-cool. This is officially a red flag situation. Guys don’t rattle me like this.

“Sex is a great stress reliever.”

We’re inches apart. I swallow hard. God, he smells good. Like expensive cologne. Like warm flesh. Like… sex. I’m not even sure how that’s possible. Maybe it’s the power of suggestion. Maybe he’s hypnotizing me or I manifested too hard. I did request the universe send me a hookup that I didn’t have to work for, but maybe I needed to specify the mediocre part. No hot distractions need apply.

Cameron is waiting for a response. Just… waiting. He’s unbelievably in control of himself. His body is still, his gaze steady.

“Sex is a very quality stress reliever,” I say, because there’s no denying it. I could use an orgasm or seven to relax me. “I agree.”

“Alexsei will be out in a minute. Why don’t you come home with us?”

I blink. He has just thrown it out there. Just like that. “Um…”

I should say no, but I can’t seem to remember why.

“You did offer him chocolate chip pancakes. I assume that means you like Alexsei.”

“I mean… sure.” I’m not sure what the hell is happening here. “I barely know him, but he seems… fun.”

“Do you think he’s grumpy and beautiful?”

“No.” Alexsei seems normal. A cheerful, grinning hockey player with a great body and good hair.

“He likes you.”

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