Page 49 of Icing It

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She nods. "I’m here for you."

I step back and survey the dessert tables. They look amazing, I have to admit. I'm very proud of the products, all the icing looks amazing, and everything is set up beautifully.

So I guess Owen got his money's worth.

As I think about that, my stomach flips. I am annoyed that he felt like he needed to step in and didn't listen to me when I told him that the bakery was doing well. But Dani's not totally wrong. It is nice that he wanted to help. That he even cares.

Hockey players and members of the staff start filtering into the room. Most of these players are benchwarmers. They were able to get off the ice faster and get cleaned up. But I know the rest of the team isn't too far behind. And that means I'll probably see Alexsei.

I have mixed emotions about that as well. I've missed him.

But I don’t know what to do with that. He’s a lot. I feel like I lose track of all time when I'm with him. Even just talking to him at my brother's birthday party seemed to suck up all of my attention. I wasn’t even with him constantly, but it seemed that every few minutes, he would manage to walk by and say something sweet or flirty. Then I’d look up and suddenly fifteen minutes had flown by.

There's just something about him that makes me want to sink into him, wrap myself around him, just lose myself in him.

That freaks me out.

So does his intensity. I know he likes me. It’s never been like this with any other guy. The guy looks at me with heart eyes, I swear. I feel like any second I’m going to see cartoon hearts popping out of his eyes. On one hand, being adored is pretty fucking great. The guy could have any woman in Chicago—and I think he's had several—so the idea that he is suddenly all about me is kind of amazing. I mean, come on, that's pretty great for my ego.

On the other hand, it's a lot. He's going to want me to give him that same kind of attention and energy, right?

"Hey Luna."

The rich, warm, deep voice seems to wash over me and I take a deep breath. Damn, I almost feel calmer.

I turn and smile up at Owen. "Hey coach."

"How are you?" he asks.

I smile in spite of myself. "I'm okay." Then I decide Owen seems like the kind of guy I can be honest with. "Actually, I'm exhausted. But okay." I pause. "The bakery’s been really busy. Business is great."

I watch his face closely and his expression brightens as he gives me a big smile. "That's fantastic. Congratulations."

I notice that Dani has moved off. Crew hasn't joined us yet, but of course Nathan and Michael are both already here. I don't have to feel bad about turning all of my attention on Owen. And in this moment I can't seem to help it.

I prop my hands on my hips. "So you didn't have to do this."

"Do what?"

I turn and look at the dessert tables, then gesture with my hand. "This."

"Well, I had to show up. First of all, I assumed that the cupcakes were probably almost as good, if not as good, as the cake from the birthday party. And we both know how I feel about that." He gives me an adorable grin. "And I wanted to see you. I'd hoped you would be here."

"Is that why you did it? You could've just called me."

His brows rise slightly. "What?"

“Ordered all of this stuff. Had me show up here with a van full of baked goods."

He scans the table and looks back at me. "You think I ordered this?"

"Yes. Didn't you?"

He shakes his head. "Honestly? When I want more of your stuff, I intend to just come to the bakery." He looks around the room. "I love these guys, but feeding them is a really big expensive endeavor."

I'm studying him and I can tell he is not lying. I also can’t deny that my stomach flips a little when he says that he intends to come back to the bakery.

This is not how I should be reacting to that news.
