Page 6 of Icing It

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Everything except that one tiny corner of my brain that’s chanting, To-do list! To-do list!

But now, if I go home, I won’t be able to sleep because I’ll be thinking about how I could have been having sex with these two tonight. That will not make my to-do list any better.

I look at them both for a long moment. I really like how we’re just laying this all out there. We all want to have sex tonight. With each other. And now we all know it.

This is actually really great.

I nod. “Yes. Sure. I’m in.”

Alexsei gives a grin that makes my pussy flutter riotously. “That’s an excellent decision.”

It does feel like an excellent decision. Or at least an exciting one. “I’m on the fence about making you pancakes, though. I may not stay that long. I’m very busy.”

“You can’t offer, then take it back,” he says, giving me an adorable pout. “I mean, chocolate chips? Come on.”

I’m not normally a fan of pouting men, but he looks pretty damn cute doing it.

“I never offered to make them. I just asked if you like them,” I tell him, regaining my equilibrium.

Alexsei laughs. “Sassy girl.”

“Semantics,” Cameron adds dryly.

“No. Facts.” I shove my phone in my back pocket and spin on my heel. I tap Dani on the shoulder. “Bye.”

She gives me a finger wave, now lip-locked with Nathan Armstrong.

I turn to my brother. “Good game. See ya.”

“Thanks.” Crew is only half paying attention to me. He’s eyeing his girlfriend with loving amusement. “See you at Thanksgiving.” Then he fully turns to me. “You’re making cornbread, right?”

Food always takes priority for Crew. I cross my arms. “Maybe. We’ll see. I’m really busy.” How many times do I have to tell people that?

“Don’t show up without cornbread. I’m serious, Luna.”

“What are you bringing?” I demand.

“My charm and good looks.”

Now, I fully roll my eyes. “I might choke on that.” I wave to him and turn back to Cameron and Alexsei, who are talking in low tones.

Alexsei puts his hand out, gesturing for me to go first.

“Wait, what are you doing with those two?” Crew demands.

“They’re walking me to my car,” I call to him over my shoulder. “Safety first.”

Crew is so wrapped up in his own love life, he buys my excuse. He actually reaches out and shakes Alexsei’s hand. “Thanks, man. I appreciate you looking out for my sister.”

“No problem.” Alexsei gives nothing away.

But as soon as we’re out of ear shot he does wince. “I feel a little bad about that,” he admits.

I’m between the two men, nerve endings strumming in anticipation. “Don’t worry about it. He’ll never know.”

“What if you fall in love with me?” Alexsei teases.

I snort. “Marking myself Safe From Falling in Love With a Hockey Player Today.”

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