Page 87 of Icing It

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"When he’s off the clock, he's my kid. Actually, he's my kid even when he’s on the clock. She's his girlfriend. And they're both currently in trouble because they missed curfew by two hours the other night. Which means they are working that time off. Which means I can tell them what to do during those hours. That time does not get paid for."

I frown. "But making him come here and work doesn’t feel fair."

He laughs. “It’s not about whether it's fair or not. He broke a rule and now he has consequences for it."

“He’ll be mad at me,” I say softly.

“No. He thinks you’re amazing. And he’ll much prefer this to any of the yardwork or repairs at home I had planned for him. And this will be a really good lesson for him."

"What do you mean, a good lesson?"

"I want my kid to understand this is what we do when our friends need help. We step up."

He leans in and kisses me on top of the head. Then he looks me in the eye. "I think that's a lesson I want you to learn, too. We’re your friends. You have people who want to help you. You don’t have to always do everything on your own, hot shot.”

Dammit, I think I just fell a little bit in love with Owen Phillips.

And then I correct myself.

I just fell a little bit more in love with Owen Phillips.



Hockey has always been my escape. Where my focus is. Everything in the outside world disappears when I’m on the ice.

All I’m thinking about is the game.

Where the puck is.

And how to keep the other team away from the goal.

I work out my problems on the ice during practice and I don’t bring them to the games. The puck drop kicks my adrenaline into high gear and my head is clear.

Except for tonight.

The last few days have been chaotic and awesome and confusing as fuck.

I’ve had the high of getting to be buried inside Luna again. To watch her suck Cam off and have her willingly let him boss her around. Have her agree to go on an honest-to-God date with me.

Then there’s Coach Phillips, who is also dating her, which is a little weird. In fact, my date with her has been delayed almost an entire week because he got there first. Between my schedule and hers, we can’t see each other until Sunday.

And added to all of that, there’s Cam.

He’s half the reason I didn’t ask Luna out sooner. I was just trying to respect her boundaries, but he also thought I should let her come to me. That aside, my head has been spinning over Cam ever since we ran into Sara at the grocery store yesterday.

I’m glad to see you two have finally figured this out.

Until that moment, I didn’t think there was anything to figure out. Sara clearly thinks me and Cam are together though. A couple. That she felt like a third wheel for that reason.

Last night I lay in bed and rewound through all the times we had shared a woman and those six months we were dating Sara together, my cock growing hard. I thought about how it felt to have Cam’s hand on my dick, stroking me with a firm grip. I had laid there and closed my eyes and jerked off, remembering all the times he had done this to me and how much I enjoyed it. I let myself wander into a headspace where I could see clearly there might be more to Cam’s feelings for me than just friendship or sex.

And that mine might be more, too.

Cam actually went out last night with his buddy from work, Rodan, but came home around midnight. When I heard him in the living room and headed down the hallway to his bedroom, I had breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn’t spending the night in some guy’s bed. Which made me even more confused. There was a time when that wouldn’t have bothered me. When the hell had that changed? Not recently, if I’m honest with myself. Jealousy over who he hooks up with has been brewing inside me for a while.

Maybe my feelings are even more complicated than I realized. Maybe it’s not just sex when Cam slips a finger in my ass during the heat of the moment. Maybe it’s more than physical or friends sharing some fun. Like… something real.
