Page 86 of Icing It

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His thumbs are stroking over my cheeks, drying my tears.

He gives me a smile. "Okay. We can't do that. So what can we do?"

His low voice is calming, and I find myself taking a deep breath.

"Remember I told you how I use my grandma's china for high teas once in a while?"

He nods.

"Tomorrow I’m hosting one of those. For a woman named Sandra Wilcox. She is very rich. And very picky. She also brings her very rich, very picky friends to these teas. But she pays me a lot of money and she really likes my stuff."

His hands are still stroking over my cheeks and I feel his body heat, and the comforting scent of him wrapping around me.

"Of course she does," he says.

I appreciate that. "This will be our fourth one. And just last month, one of her friends hired me for a party because she had been to a tea. So it is really an excellent promotional opportunity besides the fact that she pays really well. But all of these items are specially made for her. And I had everything prepped so that tonight I could get them all done, so everything is fresh and ready to go tomorrow. And now…" I hear my voice wobble. "It's all ruined."

He looks at the refrigerator and then back to me again.

"Okay, then we’ll fix this."

I sniff. "And now you’re going to tell me that you're a refrigerator repairman on the side?"

He smiles. "Part of me really wants to tell you that. I'd love to be the big hero coming in here with a toolbox. But no. However, I do know one."

"You know a refrigerator repairman?"

"Yes. I have owned a home for ten years. I know repair guys of all kinds. This one happens to be the dad of the kid who played hockey with Brady. Nice guy. And I know he’ll do me a favor."

I feel my eyes filling with tears again. "What kind of favor?"

"Like coming over here to fix your refrigerator, even if he’s really busy.”

I sniff again. "Really?"

“Yes, really. So if you have a working refrigerator, what else do you need?"

"To redo everything."

"Okay, how long will that take?"

I swallow hard and think about it. “Three hours."

"Okay, so we can get that down to at least one."

My eyes widen. "How are we getting it down to an hour?"

"You by yourself can do it in three. Then you, me, Brady, and Lydia can do it in one, don’t you think?”

"You would help me redo all of this?"

"I assume you can teach a guy like me to do some of it. I can stir, mix, and follow directions."

God, this guy. “I can't pay Brady and Lydia to do it," I shake my head. “I can’t afford the overtime.”

"You don’t have to pay them."

"Yes, I do. They're my employees. I can't make them work for free."
