Page 89 of Icing It

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“She was Miriam in full form. She wanted to tell me what’s wrong with our generation.”

“What’s wrong with our generation?” I peel my jacket off and toss it on the club chair across from the couch. I don’t feel like hanging it up.

“School of resentment. It’s a whole theory.” Cam fishes out another cherry and flicks his tongue over it.

Heat swirls in my gut. “I don’t know what that means,” I tell him.

“I’m not going to explain it because I don’t actually care.” He sucks the cherry. “And you look tired.”

“I am.” I drop into the chair, leaning back against my jacket and close my eyes briefly, trying to figure out how to have this conversation. “Why do we live together?” I ask, lids still shut.

People have asked me why Cam and I are still roommates. I always shrug and say because I’m on the road half the time. It’s cost effective. It’s practical. Food doesn’t go bad in the fridge because Cam doesn’t travel. We’re best friends.

With most people, I don’t add that it makes it easy to do our threesome thing, picking up a girl and bringing her home to share.

But now I’m second-guessing our living arrangement motives—on both our ends—and why we’ve never actually really discussed it.

“What? Because we’ve always lived together, and it works. Do you want to move out?” he asks.

When I open my eyes, his feet have dropped to the floor. He’s staring at me, frowning.

“No. I don’t. I just wondered if maybe… I don’t know.”

It means something more.

I want to say it, but scared to because I value my friendship with Cam so damn much. I don’t want to ruin it by pissing him off or making him uncomfortable. Maybe I’m wrong.

“You wondered what?” he demands. “You can tell me. You know you can tell me anything.”

Running my hand over my jaw, I stare at him, willing him to understand. “What Sara said. About feeling like a third wheel. It’s got to me.”

“You don’t want to share women anymore? Is that what you’re saying?”

“No, I’m not saying that.” I don’t know what the fuck I’m saying. “You know I like doing that. It’s hot.”

Cam’s forearms rest on his thighs and he just watches me. When I don’t say anything else, he narrows his eyes. “I know you want to take Luna out by yourself. You’re falling hard for her. It’s different with her than other girls you’ve dated.”

I nod. “Yes, but this isn’t about Luna. This is about you and me.”

His expression goes blank. “I don’t understand.” His voice has cooled.

“You’re my best friend,” I tell him. My tone is pleading. “You know me better than anyone.”

He relaxes a hair. He goes for another cherry. “You’re my best friend, too, you know that. I’m not close to a lot of people.”

The damn cherry goes to his lips and this time when he sucks, I have to shift in the chair. My dick is getting hard. “Will you stop doing that?” I demand, exasperated.

“Doing what?”

“Sucking that cherry. It’s distracting. I’m trying to have a serious conversation here.”

Cam goes still. He lowers the cherry, rolling it between his fingers, tongue flicking over his bottom lip to lap up the juice. “What are we talking about exactly, Alexsei?” he asks in a low voice.

He sounds sensual. Sexy. I need to hear it out loud. From him. “There has to be a girl, right? With you and me. That’s what you like?”

A heartbeat passes and then he just says, “Come here. You’re too far away.”

When Cam uses that voice, I always just automatically obey. I trust that he knows what’s best. I rise to my feet and stroll toward him, feeling the air shift and crackle between us. We’re about to do something that will change the dynamic of our friendship. I can feel it.
