Page 90 of Icing It

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Hell, maybe we already have.

We’re just acknowledging it now.

I don’t want to shy away from it. I want to embrace it.

Cam stands, too, so that when I reach him we’re almost eye-to-eye. “Does there have to be a girl?” I ask again.

He places his hand on my jaw and I realize I’m trembling a little, body tense with desire and with fear, that I’m wrong, and that we’ll change everything between us and regret it.

His touch is firm, yet soothing, as he slides the pad of his thumb along my jaw and over my bottom lip. I suck in a breath.

“Not for me,” he murmurs, gaze dropping to my mouth. “I just like you. I just need you.”

Then he kisses me.

We’ve never kissed.

He’s touched my body everywhere. He’s been inside me.

But we’ve never kissed.

My heart is pounding, but the second his lips cover mine, all my fears melt away. He feels and tastes amazing, and his kiss is confident and skilled. His hand slides up into my hair and I kiss him back without hesitation, gripping the waistband of his sweats. I know his scent, I know his breathing, I knew him in all ways, but this… this is different. This is intimate and hot and I want to taste him thoroughly.

When he teases my lips apart with his tongue, I let him, then give myself over to what I’m feeling. I pull him against me, letting our hips collide as the sweetness of those damn cherries floods my mouth. “Cam,” I pull back briefly and groan, before going in again. I need more. We’re engulfed in a hot, demanding kiss that turns into another and another until I’m lost to him.

I’m grinding my throbbing dick against his, and I want more. I grip his ass for the first time ever, enjoying the growl that radiates from him at my touch. I’ve never really touched him like this and I slip my palms inside his sweats so I can feel his heated skin. He has a tight ass and I squeeze, thrusting him forward onto me as we make out.

His head falls back as he says, “Yes. Fuck, Alexsei. Yes.”

It gives me confidence to hear those words.

I take the opportunity to nip at his earlobe, to brush my lips over his neck and revel in the satisfaction of feeling him shudder at my touch. He is always the cool one, in total control. The one driving me wild. Now I’m rattling him and it’s turning me the fuck on. His hand slips between us and he rubs my cock with the heel of his palm.

Driven by a sharp need, I kiss him again, but my nose bumps against his glasses, tipping them askew. I laugh softly. “Sorry.” I pull my hands out of his sweats and reach up to remove the glasses.

Without them, Cam looks vulnerable. Softer. He blinks and his gaze drops to my mouth. I sense hesitation.

But then he shocks me by saying, “I love you.”

There it is. What’s been knocking at the back of my subconscious for a while and took Sara to force me to admit.

Him saying it makes everything less scary and confusing. Peace settles over me when the last piece of the puzzle clicks into place for me. I smile, understanding that his view of me being blurry without his glasses on gave him the courage to admit what he feels. He looks fucking cute as hell right now, and I want him with everything inside me.

“Did you hear what I said?” he demands, sounding more like the grumpy Cam I know and love.

Because yes, I love him, too.

Somewhere along the way, friendship deepened and became more and I didn’t even understand it or recognize it. Or maybe I did. I don’t know. All I know is that there is only one guy who can turn me on physically and also make me feel this safe and light and loved.


“I heard you.”

I fold the glasses closed and set them on the coffee table, fishing one of his stupid cherries out of the jar and popping it into my mouth, the tart sweetness bursting over my tongue.

I do it on purpose, to get a reaction from him, and he doesn’t disappoint. His eyes darken and his hands ball into fists. His cock jumps in his sweatpants.

With a swagger in my step, I return to him. I stop inches from him. Slipping my finger between his lips, I watch him suck the tip as I swallow the cherry.
