Page 93 of Icing It

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But I want, no need, to savor this moment. Where I get to be fully inside him, staring into his eyes, braced over his rock-solid athletic body. There’s just me and him, and I never thought this would happen. Ever. I’ve seen him naked more times than I can count, and I love the view. All those hard muscles and his large shoulder tattoo. I love the feel of his rough skin, his powerful thighs, his tight ass when we’re with a woman and I can glide my hands over him. Never with this kind of freedom. Never with him acknowledging that it’s more than just sex for sex’s sake.

Never with him saying “Fuck me, Cam.”

He wants this. He wants me.

“Yes,” he groans. “Don’t hold back. That feels so fucking good.”

It does. It feels like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I’m losing control, in the best way possible, gripped by him. I pick up speed again and in seconds, I’m giving him everything I’ve got, calling out his name as I explode, wave after wave of pulsating ecstasy ripping through me.

“That’s it,” he’s coaxing. “Show me how I make you feel.”

With a final shudder, I ease back and press my forehead to his, half-collapsing onto his chest. “I love you.” It comes out of my mouth comfortably, a relief to be able to share it. “That’s how you make me feel.”

“I love you, too.” His voice is raw, gravely. He cups my cheek.

My throat is tight with emotion and I can’t speak.

So I kiss him.

After a second, where my heart rate attempts to return to normal, he says, “Now get off of me. You’re heavier than a girl.”

I shake my head and peel myself off his slick skin. “And you’re sweatier than a girl.”

But I leave the bed and go to the bathroom to get rid of the condom, thinking he might need space. Hell, maybe I need space for a second. That was… amazing.

Everything I’ve ever wanted all at once.

The room is slightly blurry without my glasses and I misjudge the corner of the bed on the way back, stubbing my toe. “Fuck.”

“That’s why your mother didn’t name you Grace,” he says with a grin. “And why I refuse to let you put on a pair of skates. You’d break a bone.”

I climb onto the bed beside him. “It’s your fault. You took my glasses off.”

“You look hot without them.” Alexsei shifts his arm, inviting me into his space. “Hot with them, too.”

Our thighs are touching, and I’m about as content as I’ve ever been. I wish I could appreciate the view of his nakedness with a little more clarity. But I’ll just have to enjoy the feel of his hard, muscular frame.

He yawns.

“Tired?” I ask, kissing the side of his head. I’m in awe that I’m allowed to do that now. After years of wanting that, it’s happening, and I fucking love it.

I love him.

“Yeah. I slept like shit last night. I’ll sleep good tonight, though.”

I smirk. “You’re welcome.”

He rolls his eyes. “It’s because your bed is more comfortable than mine. I always sleep great here.”

I don’t point out that he could have bought himself the same mattress at any point. Instead, I just tell him, “Then you should sleep here from now on.”

With me.

A thrill rolls through me.

His eyes don’t meet mine. But he does nod. “I think I will.”

My heart almost bursts out of my damn chest. I know this is all new to Alexsei. I don’t want to be greedy and scare him off. But I need him to know where I’m at. “I’ll be here every night. Even if you’re not.”
