Page 96 of Icing It

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“But you don’t like hockey players.”

“But I like you.”

He nods, and tugs at the neck of his button-up shirt. “I like you, too. A lot. That’s why I’m trying to impress you.”

Vulnerability can be pretty damn hot. “You do impress me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here trying to choke down chicken liver pate.” I gesture to my own plate and shudder. “It looks like what my mom feeds Snickers, her cat.”

Alexsei laughs. “It does seem like we’re in a Fancy Feast commercial, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it does. Insert pussy joke here.”

“I’ll pet your pussy anytime.” He sets his fork down. “I have a confession. I ate before I left home because I was worried I wouldn’t get enough to eat. I smashed on BBQ ribs.”

That makes me snort loud enough that I clap my hand over my mouth when a couple of diners turn and stare at me. “That’s sad. Brilliant, but sad. But here’s my confession. This is Dani’s sweater that she left behind at our apartment. I was trying to not be sexual.” I shake my head, amused. I had gotten Alexsei’s text with the name of this restaurant, and I’d been determined to make this be a “real date.” “I didn’t want you to be distracted by thoughts of sex when we’re trying to get to know each other.”

His jaw drops. “Um, well, I’m always distracted by thoughts of sex when I’m with you. A pink sweater isn’t going to change that, gorgeous. I’ve seen you naked already.”

My nipples tighten beneath the conservative sweater. “So, basically, neither one of us knows what we’re doing.”

He nods. “Seems that way.” He pauses, like he isn’t sure he should say something, but then reaches for my hand. “I know you said you don’t want a relationship. That’s why I didn’t reach out to you sooner. But I’ve thought about you nonstop since we spent those days together. I like you, Luna. So damn much. I think you’re amazing and I want whatever you can give me.”

My heart squeezes. I love his honesty, his willingness to take anything I have to offer. “I’ve thought about you, too. Constantly. And me saying that was months ago. Maybe I don’t feel as strongly about not wanting to be with someone as I did then. I’m more open to it now.”

Very open.

Wide fucking open.

For a second, he seems to mull over my words. Alexsei’s emotions are always on full display on his face. He’s not a hard man to read. Hope is warring with confusion for him.

For me, I just feel hope. That this can be something that I’m missing in my life. That I can relax and allow myself to enjoy his company, his genuine affection.

“Is that a general statement or about me, specifically?” he asks.

I squeeze his fingers. “You. I want to try this, with me and you because you make me feel… lighter. I love to laugh with you.”

“That’s good. That’s really fucking good. I love to laugh with you, too. But… why didn’t you say anything? Reach out? Cam says you never talk to him.”

I ease my fingers out of his and sit back in my chair. “Cam never talks to me either. And we’re not talking about Cam, are we?” It’s my way of trying to uncover the truth of his feelings for Cam, but he doesn’t take the bait.

“Well, no, but I have to admit that I would have reached out to you if he hadn’t insisted that I let you make the first move. I wanted to be respectful of what you wanted, but it nearly killed me.”

“You should trust your gut more. Because I’m not a girl who chases.”

Alexsei sits back, blowing out his breath while rubbing his jaw. “Yeah. I can see that.”

“But maybe I’m ready to be caught,” I tell him with a flirty smile.

He sits straight up, and his voice is low, gravelly. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. So let’s try this. We’ll grab the check and go somewhere else while we talk more.” I glance around. “If we can get the server. I feel like we’re being blown off.”

“Oh, we totally are. But I think that’s the point of this place,” he says with a smile. “To be treated poorly enough that you feel like you’re lucky they even let you dine here.”

“That’s exactly it! Like we should be grateful they’re giving us thirty-dollar cat food.”

“Nailed it.” Alexsei tries to get the passing server’s attention and is completely ignored. He stabs a sardine. “I do like these, though. Reminds me of my childhood.”

“You ate sardines as a kid?”

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