Page 95 of Icing It

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His expression softens. “God, you've been hiding a romantic guy under that grumpy-ass face all these years and I never even knew it.”

“You want me to keep hiding him?” I ask, partly teasing, partly serious.

But Alexsei shakes his head. “No. I like him, too, right along with grumpy Cam.”

That means everything to me.

“Will you still like him if he doesn’t let you sleep yet?” I ask, reaching my hand down and lightly stroking over his half-hard cock. I don’t want this to end yet.

Alexsei moans. “I’ll like him even more. But babe, I don’t know if I can. It’s already been twice.”

He’s never called me ‘babe’ before. It feels as monumental as him saying he loves me. I shift down, easing the comforter off of him. “You can. I believe in you.”

I flick my tongue over him, then take him deep without any preamble.

His fingers fist in the pillow. “I believe in your mouth. Fuck, Cam.”

Pulling back, I tell him, “I can’t see what I’m doing. Go get my glasses.”

Alexsei groans in disappointment. “Shut the fuck up.” He pushes me back down onto him.

God, he’s so easy to mess with. I laugh softly and get back to business.



Why is Alexsei different from other hockey players?

That’s the question I’m asking myself as I sit across from him at a tapas bar.

Because he is. Something about him, the way I am when I am with him, gives me different energy than every other hockey player I’ve ever met. Which is a lot. So many damn hockey players.

I think he’s hot. I’ve always thought he was hot. That’s why when Cam suggested I go home with them, I was interested. I saw Alexsei as a hockey fuck boy. If anything, I was more curious about Cam, whose asshole-ish behavior was a total relationship red flag, but was something of an intriguing challenge when it came to a one-night stand.

I had meant it when I’d said I didn’t want a relationship and I had thought that was true, but it hadn’t stopped me from letting Alexsei talk me into an entire weekend of sex, movies, and couch cuddling. He’d been easy-going, quick to tease and laugh, and had ordered me everything I needed to work on my recipes while I was at their apartment. I will bet money that stand mixer has been collecting dust ever since.

He doesn’t need to be the center of attention either. It was immediately clear to me that he takes direction from Cam—which is easy to do—but I’ve watched him in a dozen hockey games since then. He doesn’t need to be the star. He excels at assisting, and unlike my brother, the Racketeers Prince Charming, he doesn’t drop his stats every chance he gets.

Confident, sure. Arrogant, no.

Definitely not a fuck boy.

I can see why Cameron is in love with him.

It will take very little for me to be in love with him, and I realize I want that. I want to be in love. I want to stop falling into bed exhausted every night alone, fretting over the bakery. I love my business and fretting isn’t going to go away, so why can’t I allow myself some happiness along with it?

Alexsei shoves the appetizer fork around with his huge hand, probably unaware that he’s making a face at the buttermilk fried quail with baby turnips. This restaurant was his idea and not only does the fork look absurd in his hand, so does the size of the plate and the food portion itself. He also looks like he would give his left arm for a burger.

I purse my lips together and try not to smile.

But he glances up and catches me. “What?”

“You look like a little kid whose parents make him try a bite of everything on the plate.”

Alexsei grimaces. “Well, so much for trying to look sophisticated.”

That surprises me, and instantly makes me feel compassion for him. I had just done the same thing with Owen. Tried to be something I’m not. “Is that why you picked this place? You didn’t have to do that. Just be yourself, Alexsei, seriously.”
