Page 98 of Icing It

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His eyes darken, and his hand snakes across the table. “I think you’re amazing, Luna. I feel so fucking lucky you’re even giving me the time of day.”

I’m about to tell him we should just go back to my place and have hot sex and cuddle until the sun comes up when the server picks this moment to insert himself into our space. “Was everything not to your liking?” he drawls, like he had assumed our palates weren’t sophisticated enough to appreciate it, anyway.

“It was fantastic,” Alexsei says. “We’ll take the check.”

The server turns on his heel without a word and goes to print our bill.

He tips the server way more than I would have.

“Want to go to a bar?” Alexsei says as we exit the restaurant. “I could use a beer to get rid of the taste of pretentious douchebag from my mouth.”

I nod. We can go to my place afterwards. “I love craft beer. We could go to McGinty’s.”

“I love craft beer, too,” he says, sounding as delighted as if we’ve both discovered we share everything that has ever existed in common.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you… do you and Cam share girls a lot?” It’s yet again my not-so-subtle way of trying to root out what’s going on with him and Cam. Mostly because I’m curious, partly because I half-expected Cam to be with him tonight.

“We have. We shared a girlfriend for about six months.” Alexsei looks up from his phone where he’s been ordering us a rideshare. “But I should tell you that Cam and I… well, he told me he’s in love with me.”

I nod, not at all surprised. “I figured as much.”

He looks shocked. “How did you know that?”

“It took me a minute, but then it was so obvious I didn’t know how I didn’t see it right away. How do you feel about him?”

“I love him, too,” he admits. “With Cam, it’s just… I love him. I do. Maybe I always have. Does it bother you that I want to date you even if he and I are together? I wasn’t trying to hide that from you. Back in the fall, when we all hooked up, I didn’t know I was in love with Cam. It’s new, with him and me.”

Shaking my head, I reach out and lace my fingers through his again. Touching Alexsei is something I can’t believe I’ve been denying myself for all these months. It feels… right. “It doesn’t bother me at all. I think you can love more than one person at the same time, in totally different ways. Not that I’m saying that you’re in love with me.”

Though I realize I want him to be.

“It won’t take much,” he murmurs. “I’m falling hard for you, Luna.”

My heart starts to race with excitement and understanding that I want more, much more with Alexsei. “I feel the same way, I really do. I can date you while you’re in a relationship with Cam, if it’s okay with both of you. I don’t want him to be jealous.”

“I don’t think he is. He's attracted to you, too. But you should ask him. We should all be open and honest about all of this.”

That makes my inner thighs heat. “He drives me insane, but I think another way to describe that is sexual chemistry. I would love to be with both of you again.”

“Damn,” Alexsei says, leaning over and giving me a hard, passionate kiss. “You’re fucking perfect.”

“I love what’s happening between us.” I bury my fingers in his hair and drag him back for another kiss. “All of us. Text Cam to meet us at the bar.”

“On it.” He shoots off a text.

We make out in the car, and I don’t even care that the driver keeps glancing at us in the rearview mirror. I work my ass off. I’m entitled to a little fun. I’m entitled to happiness. I’m entitled to a relationship with a man who is willing to meet me where I need to be met.

I’m entitled to relationships. Plural.

In the back of my mind, I know I need to tell Alexsei that I’m seeing Owen, which I think he knows, but I want to make it clear. But it’s impossible to talk when his tongue is teasing over mine.

Later. I’ll tell him later before our clothes come off, I vow.

Only when we get to McGinty’s—a Racketeers hangout—Owen is there.


