Page 99 of Icing It

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If I had any question about how Luna’s date with Coach went the other night, it’s answered when we walked into McGinty’s and she sees him.

She lights up.

Well, fuck.

The grin he gives her–and the frown he gives me–tells me that he really likes her, too. So…here we are. Me, the girl I’m falling for, and the other guy she’s dating.

And the guy I’m in love with and sleeping with if not actually dating–can Cam and I be dating if we already live together?–is on his way down here to join us.

It’s gonna be a fucking party.

Coach Phillips heads straight for us. I try my best to be cool. He’s a good guy. He’s my Coach.

But then Luna says, “Hi, Owen!” and he wraps her up in a big hug that’s a lot friendlier than just ‘I coach your brother’ and I want to punch him.

This isn’t good.

“You look gorgeous,” he tells her, his voice husky as he lets her go and sweeps his gaze over her.

“Thank you,” she says, smiling up at him.

Why does that annoy me? She does look gorgeous. Probably twenty other guys in the bar think so, too.

I sigh. I need to get okay with this or I’m going to piss Luna off. And she’s being very cool about me and Cam. I can be cool about her dating Owen.

I think.

But their body language is telling me they’ve seen each other naked and, well… that doesn’t make me feel so cool.

“Hey, Alexsei,” he says, shifting his attention to me.

“Hey, Coach.”

“We just came in for a drink. Didn’t think about the team being here,” Luna says.

I believe that she didn’t choose McGinty’s because she knew Owen would be here. And so what if she did? I texted Cam to join us. And we’re taking her home later. I need to relax.

I’m getting what I want.


For more than I even expected. She wants to be with me. I can be happy with that.

“Do you want to join us for a minute?” I ask Coach, thinking I’ll be the bigger man here. I don’t need to be jealous. Luna just told me that she feels like she could fall for me and that she wants to be with both Cam and me again tonight.

His gaze goes back to Luna, and she gives him a smile. He nods, “Yeah, sure.”

We choose a round high top table along the wall, so Luna ends up sitting between us. We seem to instinctively leave the open fourth stool between us on the other side. Cam can sit there. Even though we all seem fine with this, there is a weird tension around the table as the waitress comes to take our order and we’re left alone.

Then Owen puts his hand on Luna’s leg, and she covers it with her hand.

He squeezes her thigh and gives her a look that’s a mix of affection and I-want-you and I do feel a little jab of jealousy, but I also…don’t mind. Because it makes Luna look all glowy.

I don’t know if that’s a word, but that’s how she looks. She looks happy and hot and like she really loves having his hand on her and his attention. There’s a crackle of electricity between them and it makes a tingle go down my spine.

What the fuck is that?

It feels a lot like how I feel when Cam touches her. When he kissed her in the doorway of her apartment the night we went over there, I felt this tingle. It was stronger then, but I knew what it was. Desire.
