Page 42 of Dark Corruption

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‘Up in the highlands. I have a club there.’

‘A club like Ewen’s?

He grinned and shrugged. ‘A bit like if Ewen’s club was inside a castle and on steroids. It’s more of a retreat for the hedonistically inclined.’

‘Sounds fun,’ I said, reaching out to toy with the fronds of a giant fern.

‘Maybe Ewen will take you some time,’ Alfie said. ‘Always fun to have newbies on board.’

‘We’re not dating or anything. It’s just...’ Well, what was it? ‘We’re scratching an itch.’

His eyes crinkled at the corners as he shook his head softly. ‘Ewen’s never taken an itch home before.’

‘Never?’ I asked, incredulous


The sound of the fountain filled the air as I mulled over the information. Ewen had never brought another woman home? Why me?

‘It’s only for a week. I’m still not sure how to feel about it. He did something really awful for me and took someone I loved.’ Thoughts jumbled in my head.

‘Listen, Cora. Do you want to be here?’

‘I think so.’

‘Then enjoy it. Sink into whatever he can give you that you can’t get elsewhere. What’s one week in a lifetime? Better to have tried it and leave disappointed than never having tried and always wondering what could have been. He’s a good guy. All the McGowans are. Sure, they are involved in some dodgy shit, but they never harm where they can do good instead.’

‘So he won’t hurt my sister?’

Alfie ground his teeth as he considered it. ‘Has she been doing anything that would hurt his family?’


‘She’ll be fine. I can prod him a bit and check it out.’

‘Thank you,’ I said, feeling calm for the first time in days.

‘Plus,’ Alfie said with a smirk, ‘If he fucks anything like his brother, you’re in for a treat.’

My eyes were like saucers as he stood up.


‘A story for another time. Ewen’s due home soon, and he sent a few things up to your room for you.’

I made it to my room in a few breathless minutes, wondering what on earth I’d find there. At the foot of the bed sat bag after bag. All from different stores. I’d never seen so many at once. Designer names I recognised, and many I didn’t, emblazoned in a myriad of fonts. Peeking into them, I saw dresses, shoes, lingerie, trousers and blouses, coats and accessories. It must have cost him a fortune.

A little card sat on the bed, and I ripped open the thick envelope to read the inscription.

Cora, I’d drool over you in a paper bag. But I never want you to feel you don’t belong. I guessed your sizes from how you felt in my arms that night. Wear them. Burn them. Wear nothing. I don’t mind.

Sitting heavily on the edge of the bed, I smiled.



‘What’s up with you?’ Maeve asked as I checked my watch for the millionth time.
