Page 74 of Dark Corruption

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‘I thought you didn’t dance?’ she said.

‘I don’t. But I’ll hold you while you do.’

Slipping her hands over my shoulders while I gathered her against me at the waist, we moved to the music. The coloured lights danced in her eyes, and I could have lost myself in them.

The sweet smell of her perfume drew me to her, and I grazed my lips over hers.

I wanted to tell her I loved her, that I couldn’t explain how I’d fallen so hard, so fast, but that I wanted to be her person—to watch her grow and succeed.

The words burned in my throat, and when she rested her head against my chest as we swayed, I pushed them back down.

What if it scared her off?

The way I’d gone about our relationship had been wholly unhinged. I didn’t regret a single second of it, but what if she wasn’t ready?

If she didn’t feel the same intensity?

Beside the bar, over Cora’s shoulder, I saw Rob pull out what looked like a gas mask. Some kinksters enjoyed them as part of a scene, but it wasn’t his usual get-up. He was due to perform his shibari act for the guests at any moment. Creasing my brows, I watched him as he checked his watch.

‘Cora, give me a minute. I just need to go see what Rob’s up to.’

Cora blinked up at me as if she didn’t understand.

‘Are you okay?’

‘I can’t feel my legs.’

Panic hit as she stumbled against me, and I caught her in my arms, lowering her to the floor.

‘What’s happening?’ she asked. All around me, people started to stumble and fall.


The mask.

There had to be something affecting everyone.

‘Logan, Mac!’ I shouted. ‘Get everyone out.’

Laying Cora down gently as bile filled my throat, I charged toward Rob. Every step I took felt like I was wading through a treacle, and step by step, my charge slowed to a walk. Then, to a stumble.

My knees hit the floor hard, but there was no pain—just numbness.

Tipping to my side, I fell and couldn’t move a muscle. Trying to yell produced a pitiful groan. My arms and legs felt entirely disconnected from my body when I tried to move them.


I had to get to Cora.

Try as I might, I couldn’t.

Rob kicked open a fire escape moments later, cold air sweeping over me.

A group of men—maybe ten—filtered in, gas masks on.

I recognised Edwards even beneath the mask.

Tinny laughter echoed while he surveyed the scene with glee. His footsteps vibrated along the floor as he walked toward me.
