Page 76 of Dark Corruption

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He slid his fingers into the cup of her bra and licked his lips as she tried to move. Barely a twitch of her legs.

‘I could kill you. Send you back to him piece by piece. Or I could keep you here, surrounded by your family’s rotting corpses, and use you as a little broodmare. We could have a game and take turns stuffing you full of cum until you catch a baby. Imagine Logan’s reaction if we sent you back bursting with a child while being driven mad by your decaying friends. It would be fucking glorious.’

Maeve was next. He didn’t hold back and went straight in, lathing his tongue against her cheek. ‘The chief cunt of Glasgow. Cameron’s first mistake was letting you walk all over him. A fucking woman in charge. All your father’s hard work squandered. I think I’ll enjoy degrading you the most. Starve you until you beg for a mouthful of cum.’

When he tried to lick her again, Maeve lashed out, grabbing his ear between her teeth and biting down.He cried out, red washing over them as he pulled away, the terrible wet sound of ripping flesh filling the space. Pressing his hand against his ear, he kicked her hard in the stomach. The top of his ear splattered against the floor. Pure rage filled him as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. Using his bloody hand, he held her firmly by the hair as he punctured her stomach three times with the blade. My chest felt like it was caving as I struggled to take a breath.

Valentina screamed where we could not. Maeve sobbed as blood trickled down her dress, three gushing scarlet waterfalls.

Sniffles and whimpers came from further down the line, where Molly, Esther, and Katie sat restrained.

‘You are all going to die here. Slowly. Painfully. And without a hope in hell of seeing daylight again.’

Edwards seethed before stooping to pick up the detached ear and storming out of the door. His men followed closely behind, and shock hit me as I recognised one of them as Rob, the rigger from the club. The door slammed behind them, and we were alone in the dank basement-like room.

‘Maeve,’ Valentina whispered. ‘They’ll come for us. I know they will.’

With them gone, my eyes flitted around the room, looking for anything that could help us. It was stripped bare, with a dirty mattress in one corner, and the door leading out. No windows. No weapons. Nothing.

Small black boxes punctuated the ceiling, and when they started blinking red, coldness swept through me.

We were on camera.



Every single second unable to move was absolute torture. My muscles corded every time I tried, but it was fruitless.

With a groan, Logan moved first. Pulling himself to his feet on wobbly legs, he rested against a table for support.

‘I’m going to fucking kill him,’ he said, his voice hoarse.

One by one the others came to, until I was one of the few still incapacitated. Time ticked on, and each minute physically hurt.

‘We need to get to them fast,’ Cam said, his face gashed where he’d hit himself falling.

‘How?’ Logan paced. ‘How the fuck can we get to them?’

One of the large screens on the far wall that we rarely used flickered on. It was like a punch to the gut when Edwards crouched in front of Maeve and licked her.

I sought out Cora, seeing her chained to the wall on the right of the screen. My body burned with the need to get up and get to her.

There was no sound, but Edwards stumbled back, clutching his ear as a black liquid poured down his neck on the black-and-white image. Maeve spat out something fleshy, which must have been a part of his ear.

But the relief I felt at her fighting back was short-lived since Edwards pulled out a knife and stabbed my little sister. Pain bloomed inside me as her face contorted in pain. The noise Cam made haunted me. A deep, animalistic howl of rage.

Edwards meant every word he said. He wanted us to suffer, and he’d found our deepest weakness. The women we adored.

Tears pricked Cam’s face as Mac pulled him into his arms, turning him from the screen.

‘We’ll get them. She’ll be okay,’ he said, his voice choking up.

Alec was on the phone barking at someone to trace the stream. It would take too long. I had to get up. Had to tell them I could find her.

My phone was in my pocket. Her location would be there. Sweating, I made my hand move a tiny amount.

Logan saw me twitch and made his way to me among the others who were in various stages of stirring.

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