Page 77 of Dark Corruption

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‘Fuck, Ewen. We need you, man.’

It was like an anvil was on top of my tongue as I tried to talk. I managed an illegible mumble despite my neck straining with the effort.

‘You’re almost there. It only took me a few minutes once I could move a little.’

Logan pulled me up to sit, my vision blurring as the room seemed to shift. Then, it was like invisible chains released.

‘Easy,’ Logan said as I moved jerkily, not in control of my newly awakened limbs.

‘Get... my... phone.’ The words slurred, but Logan nodded. He pushed it out of my pocket and held it up to my face to unlock it.

‘Find Cora,’ I mumbled.

‘We will,’ he said.

‘No. On my phone.’

His brows knitted before he flicked through my apps, finding the one dedicated to her.

‘The tracker.’

‘You’ve got her on a fucking tracker?’ he said, looking at me, aghast.

‘Be fucking thankful.’ My voice was strengthening by the second, and I reached out and took the phone. Typing in a code brought her location up. They were barely thirty minutes away.

I glanced back at the TV screen as Edwards walked into the room, followed by Rob and two other men. A dark-tinged bandage wrapped around his head, and he held a baseball bat in his hand.

Terror got me to my feet.

We didn’t have a minute to lose.

He walked toward Molly, hefting the bat in his hand. The women were gaining use of their limbs, too. But there was nowhere they could go.

‘We need to go,’ I said as I hobbled toward the door. ‘Adam, make sure everyone here is okay. Alec, Mac, Cam, grab what you can from the security and take who we can.’

‘Where?’ Mac asked as we made for the door.

‘They’re in an industrial estate thirty minutes away.’

‘How the fuck do you know?’ Cam asked, his face a sickly pale still.

‘There’s a tracker in Cora’s collar.’

‘Whoa. That’s fucked up,’ Mac said as he reached down to grab a gun from one of the still paralysed security men. ‘And that’s coming from me.’

‘My fucked up will get our girls back and leave that fucker Edwards dead.’

Hold on, baby. I’m coming.



‘What are we going to do?’ Katie said. ‘We can’t just sit here and let them torture us.’

‘We hope the guys can find us real fast.’ Maeve’s voice was soft and tired, her head dipping as her wounds continued to drip blood.

My handcuffs attached around a heavy duty pipe above my head. Pulling hard at it didn’t move it even a millimetre. There was no give at all.
