Page 13 of Alfie, Darling

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‘It works better when attached if you need to borrow it so badly.’

My muscles bunched at the very idea. Grinding my shoe down on his neck, I cut off his air, watching him as he tried to pretend like it didn’t affect him. Soon enough, he writhed beneath my foot, his face reddening as he fought for a breath. Putting more weight on my leg, I smiled.

‘If you keep being a mouthy fuck, I’m going to get a pair of pliers and tear every one of those piercings out one by fucking one. No one here cares whether you live or die, Alfie. Your use is extremely limited, and I will find a way to get what I need out of you. One way or another. Your cunt of a dad is dead; stop protecting him and his friends. Is it worth suffering for them?’

His eyes fluttered as his legs twitched, and I took my foot off his throat, letting him gulp down desperate breaths. I would enjoy seeing him take his final breath soon enough. For now, I needed him alive.

His cock was even harder than before.

I raised my eyebrows as he coughed and heaved on the floor. I’d known he was a degenerate, but fuck me, he wasn’t supposed to enjoy this. How was I going to use torture to make him spill if he enjoyed it?

‘You can torture me until I’m dead all you like,’ Alfie whispered, his throat hoarse. ‘I’ve got nothing to live for anyway. Who gives a fuck?’


‘Put him away,’ I said to Petros, who stood by with his usual unreadable expression. ‘And make sure he can’t touch that dick.’

I left them there and made my way back to my rooms. My body thrummed with anger. Anger, and an idea.

From following Alfie, I knew that sex was an addiction of his. But what if I could use it against him? Use it to torture him. I had a feeling that his cock drove his stupid little brain more than anything else did.

And I knew damn well that someone could use degradation and humiliation to hurt you. How they could use your own body against you.

At least with Alfie, it was for the greater good. It would save countless others from suffering my fate. For all of those who never made it out.

Pushing down the tiny threads of guilt inside me, I reminded myself that they’d turned me into the monster I’d become. That there was no going back.

Pity wasn’t an option.



Discomfort racked my entire body as I lay on the bare mattress, my hands cuffed around one of the bars. All night, people had gawped at me while enjoying drinks and food. While I lay there, my stomach was rumbling with a ferocity I’d never felt before.

My throat rasped as I cleared it, the flesh tender where my blonde tormentor had dug her foot into me. I needed water. And to relieve myself.

Hours passed after the room had emptied, muffled sounds occasionally reaching me from beyond the cavernous room. Water dripped incessantly by the far wall of my caged area, making my bladder ache.

It was bad enough that I’d been stripped completely naked for the woman’s amusement, pissing myself wouldn’t help my self-esteem any.

Attempting to roll onto my side only made my arms throb more. I tried to stretch them to relieve the pain from where they were fixed to the bars.

Logan’s party would have long passed. Would anyone be looking for me? Had even they noticed my absence?

A noise at the far end of the room drew my attention. The hulking, quiet man came into view holding two buckets, one clearly heavier than the other.

My stomach tensed as he opened the cage door, placing the buckets in the middle of the floor. He didn’t even glance at me before heading back out and locking the barred door behind him.

Rough hands grabbed at my wrists as he fitted the keys into my cuffs, relief flooding my arms upon being freed.

‘Thanks, man,’ I said, pulling myself to sitting and rolling my shoulders.

His face was impassive at the other side of the bars. I considered trying to grab him through the bars, pulling him forward and slamming his face into the metal. If I could get the keys...


It was idiotic to think it would do anything other than make him angry. I didn’t need someone else to want to tear me to shreds. Not to mention, the outline in his pocket either meant he was exceedingly happy to see me, or he was armed.
