Page 14 of Alfie, Darling

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‘You’ve got ten minutes. Relieve yourself and get cleaned up.’

‘Petros,’ I said. He narrowed his eyes, and I continued, ‘That’s what she called you, didn’t she? Tell me, what is the point in cleaning myself if your unhinged lady friend wants to slice me up like an overpriced ham?’

‘Because if you don’t, you’ll go hungry.’

‘Would starving myself be worse than whatever fate is intended for me?’ I stood as I spoke, my legs wobbling beneath me.

‘I’d rather die with a full stomach than without one.’ He moved over to the sofa and lay back on it, facing the ceiling.

‘Wise words.’

‘Get on with it.’

With a sigh, I moved to the empty bucket before glancing back up at the man only a few metres away. ‘I’m guessing privacy is out of the question.’

‘If you want to wait until you’re alone, you’re going to end up pissing all over yourself.’

Thank goodness that shame wasn’t particularly in my remit of emotions. After I’d finished, I tipped some water on my hands to clean them before plunging my hands into the cold water, taking some to my lips and gulping it down. It hit hard in my empty stomach, only rousing the growling to new heights.

The icy water chilled me to the bone. I worked it over my skin, scrubbing until I felt clean. Petros lay ignoring me the entire time.

What was his deal? Some sort of bodyguard for the crazy blonde? From the way he stared at her like a kid stared at an ice-cream truck, I figured they weren’t fucking. While he’d listened to her instructions to take me out in front of the crowd, his body had been tense. After she’d paid me attention, his demeanour rippled with jealousy. Yet there he was, still dealing with me despite his obvious reluctance. Why?

‘I’m done,’ I said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and waiting. Petros got to his feet and came over to me, crouching by the bars.

‘Left hand.’

I offered it to him and winced as the cuffs bit back into my wrist, attaching one hand to the bars. He came in and removed the buckets before handing me a prepackaged sandwich, crisps and a bottle of water.

The sandwich was terrible; the bread like cardboard and a meagre line of egg near the edge that was displayed in the box. I still ate every crumb. Who knew how long it would be before I got something more substantial?

‘Who is she?’ I asked, before drinking down a few sips of the water.


‘What is this place?’


Sighing, I rubbed a hand over my eyes. I had no concept of what time it was. There were no windows to give an indication either.

‘You’re in love with her, aren’t you?’

That brought Petros’ gaze my way. Still no words though. Like talking to a fucking rock.

‘How long? I’m guessing for a while. I see it in your face every time you look at her. Does she know?’

Petros cleared his throat before sitting back on the sofa and glancing towards the door. ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’

‘I do. I’ve seen it time and again. People falling in love. I’ve never experienced it myself, but I can see the longing from a mile away.’

‘If you’ve never felt it, how would you know?’

‘I’ve fallen in love with hundreds of people, but only ever for a night. If you don’t let it go further, you can’t get hurt, right?’

He shrugged, remaining non-committal.

‘It makes you seethe when she gives her attention to me, even though it’s because she wants to hurt me. You long for even an ounce of that intensity turned towards you. Would you take her boot on your throat to make her happy?’
