Page 53 of The Dark Will Rise

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As I followed the tug in my chest, I stepped over several discarded liquor bottles, the smell of the alcohol soaking into the dry ground. Platters of half-eaten food littered the dirt surrounding the bonfire, undoubtedly meant for the wedding. It was consumed once it was clear that no one was getting married.

Something pulled me through the village until I came to the beach. Shay waited on the sand, sitting in the same position as the night before, his head in his hands as he watched the water.

I didn’t want to speak to him. I didn’t think I could say anything that would make him feel any better.

I wasn’t a big enough fool to reveal my brand to him. To reveal myself as the reason his wedding had been ruined and his plans had gone awry.

I cleared my throat as I stepped onto the sand. Shay didn’t bother to look up, instead reaching for the bottle of wine standing between his knees. He lifted it to his lips, draining the bottle to dregs before tossing it across the beach.

“Come to gloat?” He slurred. “The gods must have listened to your misgivings and agreed.” Shay tugged the collar of his linen shirt down, revealing the edge of his branded chest.

I sat by his side, my lips turned down with pity, though I knew Shay didn’t want to see such an expression. He had always seemed so strong. So sure of himself. But the nymph looked so lost at that moment that I wasn’t sure if he would ever find himself again.

“How are you feeling?” I asked gently.

“Drunk.” Shay Mac Eoin cackled. “I suppose I should be thankful.”

“For what?”

Shay’s eyes sparkled maliciously. “I knew about the necklace.” He told me.

I chewed my bottom lip.

“I knew that you knew.” Shay tapped his temple. “Your face, every time you looked at her. Like suckling on a lemon.”

My nostrils flared. I said nothing.

“Poor little Maeve.” He crooned. “So full of secrets. Don’t you have any hobbies? Any talents? Beyond sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong?”

My teeth gnashed together, and though anger rushed through me, hot and fast, I didn’t argue. He was right. I knew he was.

Shay Mac Eoin’s wedding had been none of my business. Rainn and Tor were his friends, but I certainly wasn’t.

I didn’t know why I kept putting my hand in a barrel of leeches and expecting to come away unscathed. Why did I torture myself by meddling in Shay’s affairs?

“We’re going to leave soon,” I said, my voice thick.

Shay barked another laugh. “Why? Content to ruin my life and then run away?”

“I didn’t ruin your life.” My chin jutted as I met his eyes. “I’ve done nothing to you.”

“Nothing?” Shay whispered so delicately my ears strained to hear him. “You occupy my every thought. You ring through every heartbeat. Even when you were across the lake, I felt you the moment I touched the water, as if your essence lived in every drop. You have haunted me for months, and I cannot have you. I watched you between my two best friends and know their passion with you is a modicum of whatever I hope to relish unless I find pleasure in your arms.”

My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, stealing my words.

Shay staggered to his feet, spraying sand as he stood and brandishing his finger toward me. “You have no regard for your own safety. No inkling of what you mean to me. To Rainn or Tor. Or the future of the Twilight Lake. You swan through life pretending to be a small little creature, barely worthy of attention, when you are so much more.”

I wanted to believe him; I really did.

I stood up, clutching my blanket so tightly, like a shield.

I rubbed my cheek, wiping a tear that had stolen its way down my face. “Shay—” I wanted to tell him about my mark.

Shay stepped forward, pressing his finger to my lips. His eyes fluttered through several colors before settling on a deep dusty pink.

Then, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine.

I put my hand out, clutching the fabric of his linen shirt. Torn between pulling him toward me and pushing him away.
