Page 59 of The Dark Will Rise

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Chapter Thirteen

Previously, the Princelings had done everything in their power to avoid Cruinn and the peninsula of land between Tarsainn and the Undine territory.

Cruinn and Tarsainn rested at the bottom of the lake, with Cruinn to the west and Tarsainn to the east. The peninsula of land between them jutted out, impossible to traverse save for a perilous mountain pass that no water fae with little experience on land would take.

Instead, we were directed by Finula and her escorts to a seldom-used pathway of sea caves, with the warning that the route would only be available to a group with a willing undine escort. Finula and her escorts continued their tour of the lake, determined to meet with the selkies to try and force their attendance at Elaine’s summit, despite Rainn’s assurance that they would have little interest in leaving the Skala Beach.

With Rainn, Tor, and Shay at my side, I was flung back to my days as a captive, dragged across the lake on their whims. I hadn’t expected to be invited back to Cruinn, and the sour feeling in my stomach hadn’t abated.

I had never seen the city from outside of the castle walls. The moat of shadows and the bridge that separated the city surrounding the castle. I had lived inside the castle walls, dreaming of the vibrant city filled with colors, shops, and other undine.

As we emerged from the sea caves, it became clear that the abyss surrounding Cruinn was well and truly gone, leaving the city visible to all.

The colored glass statues in the front courtyard caught the light, shining a rainbow on the city walls as we approached. The city's outer rings were made up of squat stone houses, abandoned and delipidated in the shadow of Cruinn castle.

Liam and Moira had often spoken of the Guppie Market on the city's edge, gushing over the dancers, acrobats, and vendors with their wares from the Unseelie and Seelie Kingdoms—on land and water.

The Princelings continued toward the castle, which rose proudly amongst the nearby buildings.

My legs refused to move, and I sank until my feet touched the lake bed. I eyed the circus tent covering the market, the fabric billowing with the current, and the roar of patrons rippling the water.

“Maeve?” Rainn swam to my side, glancing at the castle. “Is something wrong?”

I didn’t know how to voice my desires without seeming utterly pathetic. Each of my mates knew that I had sat on the High Throne and bled for the privilege, but I had been deliberate in my ration of information about my youth.

Each of the males had been friends and allies. They had loving families.

I had none of those memories to fall back on.

“That’s the Guppie Market.” I gestured to the tent.

Tor tilted his head to the side. “Do you wish to visit?”

Rainn rubbed his hands together. “More importantly, do they have food? Because I’ve been eating nothing but seaweed rolls on this journey. I want something seasoned.”

“They have dancers.” My voice was slightly hoarse. “And food.”

Shay swam up to Rainn’s side, studying my face with an expression so intense I wasn’t sure I liked it. Shay nodded once. “We should go. The Undine court of important shite can wait.”

“Shay!” I snorted, unable to contain the laugh. “It’s the Esteemed Undine Court.”

“Esteemed, my arse,” Shay muttered, turning to the tent, swimming ahead.

Rainn held out his arm, and I looped my arm around his elbow. I eyed Shay Mac Eoin as longing and grief twisted my stomach.

I hadn’t told him about my mark.

It had been easy enough to hide on the journey, as I’d worn modest clothes and been wrapped in Rainn’s coat, but the longer I kept the secret, the more it burned my tongue.

I wanted Shay to have options. I wanted him to make his own choice.

Rainn and Tor were already friends with Shay, and they seemed to think our bond was a foregone conclusion. Both males grew more concerned with each day I hadn’t told Shay about our shared mark.

Rainn must have read my thoughts as a troubled expression crossed his face. He eyed Shay and turned to me. “Maeve—”

I didn’t want Shay to hear, so I did the only thing I could think of. I changed the subject. “I have never been to the Guppie Market before.”

“You haven’t?” Rainn’s brow furrowed. “Tor told me that you mentioned it.”
