Page 6 of The Dark Will Rise

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I was trapped, pinned by fabric, as the fighting grew louder.

“Rainn?!” A deep voice boomed. “Is that you?”

“River?” Rainn snarled. “What are you doing here? We could have killed you!”

“I’d like to see you try.” The male voice, River, replied, cocky to the bone.

“Tor, Maeve. It’s safe to come out.” Rainn said after a moment, his voice heavy with burden. “It’s my brother, River. He’s brought a welcoming committee.”

Where Rainn was delicate and slight, River was long in face and body. Dressed in silver armor that shimmered in the moonlight, with a chain around his hips—no doubt protecting his skin from those that might take it.

It took a moment to free myself from the fallen tent. One of the selkie soldiers had tripped and wrapped themselves in the fabric, pulling it down over me. I made sure to cloth myself in the furs, suddenly aware that I was naked outside of the water, without my scales to hide my breasts and other parts.

Rainn and River were locked in a silent stand-off, and Tor held out his hand, pulling me to his side as my males faced the strange selkie.

Slowly, the other selkie guards approached our camp. Unease crept through me because I hadn’t seen or sensed them. Outside of the water, I felt blind, cold, and vulnerable.

River looked down his bent nose at his brother. “You didn’t tell me you were coming home.” He said simply.

“How would I do that?” Rainn shrugged. “Enchanted bubbles don’t travel well between the water and the land.”

“I suppose not.” River allowed, cocking his head to the side. “Mother has been worried. Our scouts saw a battalion of Mer heading towards Cruinn. They’ve either razed it to the lake bed, or the Mer have returned to Tarsainn with their tails tucked.”

“The Mer are heading home,” Rainn said, his face and voice carefully blank.

“Don’t tell me your friend Cormac got you mixed up in all that?” River scoffed. “The youngest. The most foolish. Determined to show that he is more than a pretty face.”

Offense flashed through me. I stepped away from Tor and positioned myself in front of Rainn. I didn’t know what to say; my anger had locked my tongue, and my hands trembled.

“Don’t.” I pushed through my teeth, unable to say much more.

Rainn put his hand on my shoulder. “Maeve, it’s fine.” He assured me.

River frowned. “And who might this be?” His nostrils flared as he scented the air. “She wears your skin as a blanket, brother. Are you coming home with good news?”

Rainn’s smile was flat. “We’re coming home to rest. For safety.”

River hummed, the sound low and long. “The Skala Beach does offer safety.” His eyes narrowed as he studied my face. “Do I know you?” He asked, speaking to me directly for the first time.

I shook my head. The movement was stiff, and I didn’t take my eyes off his. I didn’t know River, and I didn’t trust him. Rainn’s brother or not.

River shrugged when he didn’t get the response he sought, turning his attention to Rainn. “We’ll accompany you to the Skala Beach.”

I didn’t know why, but the hairs on the back of my neck rose.

Rainn nodded as if he had expected the answer. “What are you doing around here anyway?”

“Too many deserters from this damned war.” River frowned, gesturing to the surrounding trees. “They come through here, seeking sanctuary in the Day Court. We help them on their way.”

“How far is it to the Skala Beach?” Tor turned to Rainn.

“An hour or so.” Rainn’s brow furrowed.

“As I thought.” Tor nodded to himself before he stepped closer to me, giving River his back. He caught my gaze and tilted his head to my ear, lowering his voice. “Do you feel well enough for the journey? You haven’t slept much, not after…”

I tightened the blanket around my shoulders. I didn’t know how I felt. Outside of the water never felt right to me. Too heavy and dry. I ached with the need to return to the lake, but I knew that wasn’t what Tor needed to hear.

“I’ll be fine,” I whispered. And I knew that I would be. Whatever happened.

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