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“It’s been too long.” I frown. “But anyway, do you think this house is suitable for a family?”

“You’re a freaking billionaire, Andrew. You can make any house suitable for a family.” He waves me off again.

I laugh, then get back into a seated position. “I guess you’re right,” I admit.

“Why do you ask anyway?” He sits by my side and lays a hand on my shoulder. “Thinking about starting a family?”

After a second, I shrug and answer, “Maybe. I hate living alone. Thank goodness I have you. But a girl one day. Some kids. I bet it would be different.”

My mind immediately goes to Emily and Alissa.

“It would,” Dad nods. “Marriage changes a man, but why this hypothetical talk? Is there anyone you are feeling serious about? I mean, who would it be? We just got here.”

We talk about women all the time, since I discovered that girls didn’t have cooties. He had always lectured me about the importance of safe sex and respecting women, but I never really opened up to him about how I felt about anyone specific. I never even told him how I felt about Emily back then.

And I have that same feeling now with her, six years later. I’m not sure on what foot Emily and I stand right now, but I am not giving up on her ever again. I learned that lesson.

“There is someone…” I start to say, but it’s all I’m willing to share for now. “Though I don’t know if she still likes me.”

“What makes you say that?” There goes my old man, making me yap my mouth again.

“I messed up in the past, dad,” I slump down, defeated. “I made a big mistake. And I’m not sure if she can forgive me.”

“Huh. Old fling, yeah?”

I startle but don’t say a thing. Was it that obvious? Next thing he will be mentioning Emily by name.

Even though I never told him how I felt about her, I’m pretty sure he knew. I’m pretty sure everyone knew back then.

I just shake my head, unable to come up with an answer.

“Okay,” he taps my shoulder. “Then what is keeping you from asking for forgiveness?”

I sigh, feeling lost. I can’t even remember the words I said to her since our re-encounter. I was too focused on questioning her about who the father of her little girl was.

“I don’t know.” I say then shrug. “Probably my ego.”

Dad then slaps me on the back lightly but with enough strength to surprise me.

“Then put down that damn ego and tell her you are sorry. Admit that you were wrong and ask for her forgiveness, and everything is going to be fine after that.”

“But what if it’s not?” I complain.

“Then it’s not meant to be,” he shrugs.

I stand, taking my phone out of my pocket before speaking into it. “Find me Dan & Dave’s Sports Shack in Chicago.”

My father looks at me, clearly confused. While my phone recites the address, a street right in the middle of downtown Chicago, I text it to him and then place the phone back in my pocket.

“I have a mission for you,” I say, but then my phone rings and it’s Terry. “Hello?”

“Hello, golden boy, I have news for you about your contract!” he says, straight to the point. “There’s nothing wrong with it. You can move forward.”

“Thanks, Terry!” I say with excitement. “I’ll talk to the realtor right now.”

We bid each other goodbye, and then I go turn my attention back to dad. “The contract is fine. Let’s go buy this house!”

I start heading out of the room, but he calls me back.
