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‘Hey :D’ she sends, and I decide that a happy face is a good sign.

She keeps on typing, but I don’t wait for her and start to type too. The problem is, there’s so much I want to say all at once, that I type and then delete. When I’m finally done deciding what to say, she sends in her next message, and I have to start all over.

‘I figured I’d hear from you soon. How are you?’ she texts.

I hold the phone close to my heart. I was a complete idiot to her, and she treats me this nicely. I don’t know what I did to deserve her. That is, if I still even have a chance.

“Doing great.” I decide to send a voice message. “Just chilling with dad. Um, sorry I sent him there, but I needed to talk to you.”

The first thing I hear in her first voice message is the lovely sound of her giggles. “Your dad is a nice guy. Tell him I said hi,” she says.

“I will,” I reply. After I send it, I realize now I’m not sure what to say next, and I get lost in thought for a moment.

Um, I know you told me twice already she’s not, but are you sure I’m not the father of your daughter?

I just groan and shake my head.

If I ask her again, it will just piss her off and push her even further away. If I really am the father, I will find out in time. I have to be patient with Emily.

I keep on sipping my drink. It’s a mix of tropical berries and caffeine that brings a party to my mouth, but will certainly keep me up tonight, and I have training tomorrow for a game on Wednesday.

Even if I am the father, what right do I have to come barging in and making demands? She tried to talk to me for six months and I ignored her. What if she was trying to tell me about the baby?

I jump when Emily messages me again.

“Okay, so Mr. Connoly said you wanted to ask for forgiveness, but don’t know how,” she puts it bluntly. “I have some ideas.”

She giggles again, this time deviously. I press the speak button on the messenger and immediately reply, “Can it be in person? Like, today?”

She pauses before replying to me but soon I get a voice message back.

“Not today,” she says sadly. “Work was awful, and I still promised to take Alissa to the park. Can you just talk to me now?”

“No, it needs to be in person,” I say, my hands already jittery with the energy drink and my nerves. “Can I come with you to the park?”

The first thing I hear is a tired sigh and then a pause. Finally, when she speaks, I feel cornered. “No, Andrew. I don’t think that’s a good idea. But when is your next game?”

“On Wednesday. It’s part of an away series in Missouri.” I frown.

“Dang it.” She pauses for a second. “When you get back here, we’ll set something up. I really wanna hear what you have to say.”

My heart skips a beat, and the dark corners of my mind lighten up with hope.

I respond with a smile. “And I really wanna say them.”

I place the phone back on the table and finish my drink. Before standing up to go wake up dad and share the news, I’m reminded of something else I wanna say.

“What’s your little girl’s name again? It was just her birthday, right?” My heart quickens as I ask.

Could she really be mine?

After a moment, she replies, “Her name is Alissa, and yes, it was on the 16th. Why?”

I take a deep breath for courage. “Have her watch the next game. I’ll have a surprise for her.”

Her next voice message takes a little while to come and when it does, I hear her say in a small voice, “Okay.”

I pump my fist in the air, taking that as a win. Right after that, I stand up and go back inside to see if dad is still in the land of the living.
