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But Andrew just kisses the top of her head and brings her close to him, rubbing her shoulder to help her calm down.

“You can keep on calling me Andrew if it’s going to make you feel better,” he says softly in her ear. “All I want now is a hug. Can I get a hug?”

Alissa hesitates. She looks at me for reassurance, and I nod, incentivizing her. After a moment, she’s clinging around Andrew’s neck, and she holds him so tight, he gasps for air.

“I love you, lil’ one,” he says, tenderly, “I will never leave you alone again.”

I wipe the tears from my eyes, kiss the top of Alissa’s head, and decide to give them some time alone.

I go find mom, because I need a hug and a little of her tough love.

“I did it!” I have both hands on my head.

“You told him?” Mom drops the dishes she was washing and motions for me to sit at the table.

“Yes, and we told Ali,” I tilt my head back. “I will ask Miss Olson to help us through this.”

Mom places a hand over mine to let me know she’s there for me. “She’s probably trying to understand what it means that he’s her dad, but just give it time,” she says.

Dad lounges in the backyard, bundled up and relaxing in the spring sun with his newspaper. “Mom, can you tell dad?” I beg. “I don’t think I can.”

“Darling,” she sighs, putting both hands over the table and leaning forward. “He knows.”

“You told him?” I’m indignant. This is a breach of trust I’m not sure I can recover from.

“No, honey.” She dismisses my accusation with a wave of her hand. “I married your father because of his smarts, Emily.”

I stare at her with my mouth open, frozen, still unsure.

Mom just sighs again. “He figured it out, Emily! You were never out of the house with the Shire’s boy, and we knew every step you took back then,” she says, and I finally nod.

“There’s someone else I need to tell…” I say in a fleeting voice.

“Dan,” mom states. “He is going to want to kill you. Or Andrew.” She sighs then continues, “Probably both.”

I frown, biting down on my lip.

“Go drop by his place after lunch. He must be getting ready to go to church with Carla now,” she stands up and stretches. “You’ll be safer with Carla around as a witness.”

I shake my head, then leave to go check on Andrew and Alissa.

Adorably, they are now in her room and she’s teaching him how to play dolls, and the time passes by like there are no clocks in the world.

Andrew stays for lunch, and right after I bid my family goodbye to go see my brother and his fiancé.

I’m nervous at what his reaction will be.

Dan lives in a neighborhood slightly fancier than ours. Gardens have hedges and beautiful flowers, backyards have pools, and the entire area exude a feeling of timeless elegance.

I park in front of his house and climb out, ring the doorbell, and soon Carla is there to greet me.

“Emily!” She embraces me in a tight hug. “Dan and I are just having lunch. Did you eat already?”

“Yes, mom made us lunch.” I smile back at her. She’s so gleeful it’s hard to resist the urge to mock her, but the more I get to know her, the more I know that her happiness is genuine.

We find Dan just finishing his steak and fries, and I promptly walk over and take a seat next to him.

“I need to talk to you,” I tell him, trying to sound casual instead of ominous.
