Page 28 of Loving Liam

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“Hey, Liam,” the store owner said. “Turned cold now. There’s a chill in the air. The usual?”

I nodded.

“You’re not wrong. I’m heading home. I might snuggle down with a hot drink and my blanket later. Watch a movie or two.”

“I don’t blame you.” He handed me my cigarettes, and I said goodbye. The next bus would be in five minutes. If I ran, I’d make it.

“Liam! Wait!”

I turned. John was hurrying towards me.

“God, I’m sorry. Thank god you’re still here.” His face was red, and he bent over, panting, resting his hands on his knees.

“I was about to go home. I thought you’d changed your mind.”

He shivered. “Let’s get in the car. There’s a place near here. If you still want to go, that is.”

Did I? Could I forgive him for being late on our first date?

“Please, Liam. Sometimes shit happens, and in my line of work, I can’t always leave on time.”

He was right, of course, and it had only been thirty minutes.

“Come on, then. You’re forgiven, but only because I’m hungry.”

The place he’d chosen was an Italian restaurant I’d not visited before. We sat in a corner, next to a roaring log fire. In no time, I stripped off my coat and scarf. I perused the menu and selected my food with a soft drink to wash it down.

John ordered too, but instead of the beer I’d expected, he chose water.

“I’m driving,” he said.

“So, it was a busy day? You were with me early enough this morning.”

“It was tiresome. You were definitely the highlight of my day.”

Heat rose to my cheeks.

“I’ve never been anyone’s highlight. No one has ever said that to me.”

“Then you haven’t been with the right people.”

“I always thought you hated me, John.”

“I’ve never hated you, Liam. Perhaps I misunderstood you, but I didn’t know why you did what you did. Your lifestyle was something I’d not encountered before. I might be gay, but this whole Daddy and little thing is an alien concept to me.”

“It’s something I was into. Since I’ve been on my own, I’ve not met anyone who could fulfil my needs. I’m not even sure if I want someone anymore. Right now, I’m happy being alone.”

Fuck, I could spin a yarn when I needed to.

Just then the waitress appeared and put plate after plate on the table, light bites of my favourite dishes: garlic bread, pepperoni pizza, and a plate of garlic mushrooms. John had selected a few dishes I’d not tasted before, but we were sharing, right?

Considering what had happened this morning, I didn’t think I’d be able to eat half of the food, but at the first bite, my appetite returned.

Each dish was to die for and brought new taste sensations bursting on my tongue. John looked on with amusement. I might have groaned a time or two.

When I’d finished the last morsel, I leant back in my chair, my stomach full.

“That was amazing.”
