Page 63 of Loving Liam

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I rolled my eyes. “It’s not what I meant.”

“Then why did you say it?”

“If I told Mama you were my boyfriend, we’d have been there for hours. She’d have wanted to know the ins and outs of a duck’s arse. Look, they’re coming over in a week or so. You can meet them. I’ll introduce you properly then.”


“Yes, I promise.”

“Soooo, am I your boyfriend?”

“Do you want to be?”

He shrugged. “I mean, maybe? Would said boyfriend cook me my favourite dinner?”

“More than likely. Would said boyfriend want chicken nuggets and fries, followed by a bowl of strawberry ice cream, strawberry sauce, and sprinkles?”

“This boyfriend would love that. Now, let’s get out of here. I’m starving.”

Half an hour later, he tucked into his nuggets and chips with copious amounts of ketchup. I’d found a few sausages hidden away at the back of the freezer and had cooked those for myself. It was easy cooking. I could do this.

“If Drew is at Cindy’s tonight, I can drop you at work tomorrow if you’d like. I have to be at the station by nine. Sam and I have somewhere to be at ten.”

“So, you’re staying the night?” His face lit up. We didn’t often spend the entire night together. It’d only happened once or twice.

“If you want me to.”

“I’d love it. You can read me a bedtime story and make my milk how I like it. No one else makes it like you do, not even me.”

“Anything for my boyfriend.” It should have felt strange saying the words, but that wasn’t the case at all. Yes, he was far younger than me, but that didn’t matter. I felt more alive than I’d ever done. He brought out a playful side in me I’d never thought I had.

“Well, I’ve already had two showers today, so I won’t need another before bed.” He bounced on his chair, clearly excited by this development. “I’ll finish my ice cream, then clean my teeth and get ready for bed. It’s eight already, and I need a good night’s sleep.”

Fuck, only eight and we were already going to bed. Not that I complained. I was tired and would have a trying day tomorrow.

I’d do anything to keep him happy, and if that meant being in bed early, then so be it. To see the smile my staying over brought to his face was worth it.

“May I leave the table, Daddy?” he asked after finishing his ice cream.

“Of course.” He dashed upstairs, and I tidied the kitchen, washing everything up and putting it away neatly. It’d give him time to get ready for bed.

With the front door securely locked and the downstairs in darkness, I climbed the stairs.

The light from his bedside lamp bathed the room in a warm glow. His face was a picture of contentment as he sat in his bed, a small book on his lap.

“Will you read me this one? It’s my favourite.”

He handed it to me and pulled the covers back, inviting me into his bed.

I crawled in wearing just my boxers, and he snuggled into my side, as he usually did.

I opened the book.

Peace At Last.

A fitting name for a bedtime story.

I started reading, and by the time I was done, Liam was sleeping soundly. All the worry lines and dark circles had disappeared. He looked younger than his twenty-three years. What the fuck was he doing with an old fart like me?
