Page 64 of Loving Liam

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He could do so much better, and what would people say when they knew I was dating someone half my age?

I turned off the light and lay back, my mind spinning with so many questions. What would Mama and Pops say? Would they like him? Would they think I was a weirdo for wanting to date someone so young?

What would they say at the station? That would be the worst thing. Most didn’t even know I was gay, let alone dating a boy.

But he wasn’t a boy. He was a fully grown man, and I needed to remember that.

I checked my phone. Three hours had passed. I’d been lying awake thinking for three hours.

Liam slept peacefully, making the cutest snuffling noises.

How had I got so lucky?

Remembering a trick I’d read somewhere, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, slowly tensing and relaxing each muscle from my toes upwards. I felt at ease, but all the relaxation techniques in the world couldn’t stop the overthinking and worry from taking hold.

When had life got so complicated? A month ago, I was alone. My job was stressful, but not so much it kept me up at night. I’d been able to handle anything thrown my way.

Now I had a boyfriend I adored and a case that was testing both Sam and me in the worst possible way. Would I change any of it?

Not Liam. I’d never change what we’d found. The sooner I could close the case, though, the happier I’d be. It promised to dredge up so many memories for Liam, potentially compromising his sobriety. Hopefully, tomorrow we’d be one step closer.

I closed my eyes again, my familiar mantra running through my head.

Don’t think. Don’t think.

The trick of removing all thoughts from my mind had worked more times than it hadn’t. Tonight it didn’t disappoint, and I awoke the next morning with an eager Liam latched onto my nipple.

“Oh, good morning, Daddy.” He pulled back. “Time to get up. It’s late.”

He wasn’t wrong. The clock showed eight o’clock. I’d just about have enough time to get ready, grab some coffee, and drop Liam at the shop, then go to the station.

I groaned, wanting nothing more than to stay here in bed with him, but I had things to do.

“Why didn’t you wake me earlier?”

“I only just woke myself, and I feel great,” Liam said.

He looked good too, despite the bed hair and creases on his face.

“We’d best get a move on. I can’t miss my appointment this morning.”

I dressed quickly and brushed my teeth with a borrowed toothbrush. Liam did the same.

I arrived at the station with ten minutes to spare, making it before Sam.

Nervous about seeing Stuart again, I stood outside and took the opportunity to smoke. Since being with Liam, I didn’t crave a cigarette that much anymore. He was a good influence, or maybe I was craving other vices. Vices that only he could give me.

“Still wearing the same clothes.” Sam sidled up next to me and nudged me. “Good night, was it?”

Seriously? He was so fucking nosey. I didn’t ask him about his love life. Why was mine such a hot topic?

“Are you ready? It’ll take a while to get there.” I ignored his question.

“Yep, let’s go.”

We took my car, and Sam went through some notes he’d made on what to ask the scumbag when we got there.

How would I react seeing that bastard, knowing what he’d done, almost killing Liam?
