Page 80 of Loving Liam

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“Now, let’s have some dinner. Mama, Pops, how about we take you to our favourite Italian place? You’re gonna love it. Unless you’re too tired?”

“Sounds wonderful. Let us get washed up, and we’ll be with you,” Doug answered, helping Annie to her feet. “But I think an early night is in order. Come on, sweetheart.”

When they’d left, I walked over to John and into his embrace.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

“I’m at a loss for words. You hadn’t told me much about the case, so I didn’t know exactly what was going on. I guess I was always thinking something was going to happen. I wasn’t wrong, but I’m glad I have you. I can finally lay those ghosts to rest and enjoy the rest of my life.”

“You could always do that, Liam.”

“I know, but for some reason, I could never settle. And the drugs didn’t help. They kept the memory of Stuart’s attack fresh. It was why I was on them in the first place.”

“Well, we can put it all behind us now and move on with our lives. Both of us.”

That sounded like the best idea ever.

In the restaurant, Annie and Doug regaled me with stories of John. How he’d always had a sense of right and wrong, even from a young age, sticking up for the other kids at school. He was a proper Boy Scout, always wanting to help.

He’d done that with me too. He’d offered it to me when I was at my lowest ebb, always on the precipice, walking that tightrope, never knowing if I’d fall again.

I gazed at him across the table. His demeanour was completely different from when I’d first met him. He looked lighter too. We had everything to look forward to.

John drove us home. His mama kissed us both and wished us a good night. His parents disappeared in the guest bedroom.

We went up too. Despite having done very little today, I was tired. John helped me wash and brush my teeth. Then we collapsed into bed.

“I can’t wait to have a shower and wash my hair.”

“You can shower, just don’t get your head wet, or you can have a bath in my parents’ en suite. They wouldn’t mind if you used that.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that before?”

“I’m telling you now.”

We lay side by side in the bed.

Although he’d promised to have his way with me earlier, neither of us was in the mood for anything more than snuggling, and that was fine by me. He’d already made my milk, and I drank it down.

My eyes drooped.

“What do you think will happen now?” I asked.

“With what? The case is pretty much done. They were never out to get you. You were a means to get to me, a way of telling us to back off. They were stupid and arrogant. That’s why they got caught. Georgie made it so damned obvious that it led back to her brothers. Stuart showed his hand by telling us he knew you and I were a thing. Damian did nothing except listen to his sister. At least he did the right thing and turned her in.”

“What about us?”

“No change. We’re still boyfriends unless you’ve changed your mind. I still want you, Liam.”

“And I you. I’m glad you found me, John. Really glad.”

I yawned, suddenly knackered.

“Rest, sweetheart. Tomorrow is another day of surprises.”


