Page 81 of Loving Liam

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After we arrested Georgie, the case wrapped up quickly, and everything went back to normal. She would remain in custody until after the holidays and a trial date could be set. There were no more assaults, and life in the station returned to an acceptable level of stress.

Christmas came, and we celebrated the day quietly, just the four of us. Mama and Pops had bought gifts. Liam and I hadn’t time to buy anything, but he seemed happy being surrounded by my family.

Mama cooked a fabulous dinner, and we gorged on turkey and all the trimmings.

“That was fabulous, Annie. Thank you so much.” Liam groaned and sat back in his chair, rubbing his stomach. “I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything so good.”

“It was good, Mama. I’ve missed your home cooking.” I wasn’t sure I could eat another mouthful, but then I remembered we had dessert.

“He lives on takeaways and microwave meals, don’t you, D—John.” He looked at me wide-eyed, horror-struck because he’d almost slipped up.

“I know my Johnnie. He’s never been any good in the kitchen.” She smiled at me and leant across the table to pinch my cheeks.

“Mama,” I protested.

“You’re still my little boy at heart, as old as you are.” She said, teary eyed.

My cheeks got warm, and I stood up, clearing away the dishes. “I’ll grab dessert.”

Liam joined me and helped load the dishwasher while I got the huge strawberry trifle out of the fridge.

“When did she have time to do all this?” he asked.

“You’d be surprised. Mama can do anything when she puts her mind to it.” I pulled him towards me and wrapped my arms around him. “We can go shopping in the New Year. I didn’t exactly have much time to buy you anything, what with the case and all.”

“I didn’t either. I’d like to buy you a gift, and perhaps we could get one for your parents before they leave.”

“That sounds like a good idea, sweetheart.” I kissed the end of his nose. “Now, let’s get back in there and finish our meal.”

Christmas was always a big thing for us, especially when we lived in the States. Lots of visitors, buffets, a never-ending parade through the house.

Things were no different here, and old friends they’d not seen in years descended on the house on Boxing Day and beyond.

Liam did the best he could, but a couple of days after Christmas, he was getting overwhelmed by them all.

“Would you mind if I went out today? I was going to meet up with Ziggy and Beau,” he asked as we lay in bed that morning, breathless after our morning exertion. At one point, I’d had to clamp my hand over his mouth to stop him from crying out.

“Of course. I have to go to work anyway. Need to do a little paperwork, and Sam is busy with his family. Mama and Pops will be happy entertaining.”

“Are you sure? They won’t mind?”

“They’ll be fine. Now go get dressed, and I’ll drop you off.”

I was pleased to see him reconnecting with old friends. He’d pushed them away after the incident. Drugs could do that to person, and I’d seen it all too many times. Ziggy and Beau were good for him. He’d not got many friends that I knew of other than Drew.

I dropped him off and stopped by the station. Not much was happening, but I’d shown my face. I had a few more days off, so I’d be back later in the week to start again.

I took the opportunity to grab a few things for Liam in the city: some new clothes and a cologne he liked. I ended it with a trip to a store I’d walked past but never had the nerve to visit.

I checked my surroundings, then pushed open the door.

“Can I help you? Are you looking for anything in particular?”

Was I? I had something in mind. Well, a couple of things, actually.

“I’m looking for a cage and a new plug. What do you have?”

Liam and I had talked about a cage a few times, and Liam’s eyes always lit up when we did.
