Page 74 of A Marriage of Lies

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“No, you don’t. It feels like…”


“I feel like things are starting to fall apart. Like my entire world is crumbling around me and I don’t know what to do.”

“Then stop. Stop and breathe. Don’t do anything else.”

“It’s past that point now.”

“What’s one of the problems?”

“I think Shepherd is cheating on me.”

“Then leave him.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Things are really, really complicated right now. Jenny, I …” Sniffing, I angrily swipe a tear from my cheek. “I’ve made some bad decisions. Really bad decisions.”

“Can you fix them?”

“No.” I am sobbing so hard I can barely speak. “Not this time.”

“Is it bad?”

“Yeah. It’s really bad.”

“Can you talk to me about it?”



“It could get you in trouble.”

“I’m already in trouble,” she grins, referring to the fact she has one foot in the grave.

“Stop it, that’s not funny.”

“I know, sweetheart. Tell me this, then: Why did you make the bad decisions in the first place?”

I drag my fingers through my hair. “I don’t know.”

“Yes you do.”



My heart feels like it’s about to explode as I climb the steps to the police station.

A receptionist looks up from behind a pane of bullet-proof glass. She presses a button and leans into the speaker box. “Hi there, how can I help you?”

“Hi,” I say, my voice unnecessarily loud and squeaky with adrenaline. “I just called—I think it was you who I spoke?—”

“Ah, yes. Mrs. Bailey…” The woman types feverishly into her computer. “May I see your driver’s license, please?”
