Page 10 of Ruthless Hunter

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She passed by a minute ago and looked in but didn’t say anything to me.

Sure, I could have waited in another room. I just didn’t want to.

To show my power over these people, I decided to wait in the king’s quarters until he finished talking to his beloved daughter about our union.

Or rather convincing her that marrying me will be beneficial to their family. And him.

It will, but not for the reasons he’ll make her believe.

With his track record and the added investment and publicity my marriage to his daughter will bring, Dominic would have the governor position in the bag come election time. However, I have other plans for him.

Marrying Luna is part of the deal I made with him to keep his dark secrets under lock and key. Dark secrets that would ruin all his prospects of becoming the next governor.

Unknown to most, Dominic Bianchi is one nasty piece of work who has everyone believing he’s New York’s savior.

People even call him the Saint because of all the work he does for the homeless and the sick. Throw in Aspire, the children’s charity his late wife set up, and they treat him like a god.

I’ve seen that saintly side of him many times. I witnessed a glimpse of it just now in the dining room as he looked like the loving father, sitting there with his daughter at his side.

However, that asshole got one hell of a rude awakening when I discovered his dirty secrets.

I know in our world we all have one or two of those. I might have been willing to look the other way, as I have my own secrets locked away in a dark corner of hell, and Dominic has been a client of Le Blanche Global for eons. Except I found out that his dirty dealings implicated me in a vicious scandal last year that nearly ended my career. More importantly, it could have also wiped out Le Blanche Global.

That fucker set me up to go down.

Kane Porter, another hedge fund analyst he’d hired for an investment deal, got caught in the trap. Like Kane, I would have been imprisoned for embezzlement, fraud and money laundering.

It was only with the help of my old school friend, Jericho Grayson, that I managed to clear my name. Kane wasn’t so lucky. He was in too deep.

As fate would have it, Jericho and I stumbled upon the truth a few weeks ago that revealed Kane and I had been set up by Dominic.

I still can’t help Kane, but that doesn’t stop me from seeking vengeance.

If Dominic had only impacted me I might have been able to deal with him some other way, but dragging in Le Blanche Global, a business my father and forefathers poured their souls into, was another story.

If I had been found guilty we would have lost everything. I couldn’t let such an injustice go without punishment.

That very real possibility led me here. To this plan of revenge which includes marrying Dominic’s cherished daughter—Luna Bianchi.

In six weeks the princess will become my wife.

The timeframe is quick because it needs to be, for my own business purposes of taking over the company. In Grandfather’s will, he made it a condition that we had to be married prior to taking up any leadership positions. As I will be CEO, my marriage needed to be arranged within six months of my father giving me notice. That time ends in eight weeks.

Even though I was given the freedom to choose who I wanted to marry, my father had a wife ready for me. When I found out what Dominic had done to me, the plans changed.

I’ve had thirty-two years to learn how to become the conqueror, so I know how to punish men like him.

You have to take what they hold dear. Take what they love to hurt them the most and leave the deepest scar.

Dominic’s daughter is one of those things.

His career is the next.

Today is just the beginning.

Or maybe that started last night.

I smile at the memory of Dominic’s virgin princess throwing herself at me.
