Page 101 of Ruthless Hunter

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Apart from when I’m off sailing, this is the first in a long time that I’ve woken up so late in the day.

I would never normally do so when I had something so significant waiting for me on the horizon. Within the next two hours, my father will pass the torch to me, and it will signify the dawn of a new era.

But spending the time with Luna was important to me too.

She was out cold when I woke up, and she’s still asleep now.

I’m dressed and ready to go. I was hoping she’d be awake, but maybe it’s for the best that we leave things like this until I see her again.

I stare at her still form in the sunlight. She’s just as beautiful as under the moon.

We have a week for our honeymoon. That’s it. Now I wish we had more time together.

I’m about to leave when I suddenly notice a pink piece of paper on the floor next to Luna’s bag.

I should leave it alone, but something about it makes me curious. Curious enough to walk over to it and pick it up.

It’s a bucket list. One of things she wants to do before she turns thirty.

I didn’t know she had one of these.

Most of the list has been ticked off, with twelve remaining things left to do.

My focus is suddenly drawn to the things that remain, along with some of the things she’s ticked off that appear to be more meaningful.

Like these:

20. Lose my virginity to the man I love.

21.Get married to him and move into the house of our dreams.

22. Have four kids.

23.Travel the world together

24. Eat some exotic food I’ve never tried before.

25. Go somewhere with no destination in mind.

She has twenty and twenty-one ticked off.

I stare at them, feeling more like a fraud than I already did, because I should be the man she loves, and she should have had the whole thing where you get married and move into your dream house.

I did the opposite. I demanded her hand in marriage, and like the villain I am, I locked my princess away in my castle.

Luna deserves so much more than what I gave her. Ryan would have done it right. As much as I can’t stand him, I’m the antithesis of him.

He had her love.

But she chose me. She married me.

I told her father love didn’t matter, but suddenly, it does, and it shouldn’t. Not if I want to stick to the plan.

I release a heavy sigh and gaze back at her.

Although my heart whispers to me, I can’t hear what its’ saying, so I still don’t know what to do. Things are complicated but… maybe I don’t have to be a complete fraud.

Maybe the adventurer in me can still give Luna one or two more of those things on her list.
