Page 108 of Ruthless Hunter

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"With that said, have I convinced you to come with me on my other sailing trip?"

"Yes," I answer quickly, and I can't even believe I said it so quickly considering weeks ago, I'd push the idea away. "I would love to go with you."

"That makes me happy. Come here." He reaches for me and pulls me onto his lap. "I have a surprise for you after dinner."

"A surprise? What kind of surprise?”

"Another adventure to end the night."

"Where are we going?"

He kisses the tip of my nose. "You'll see."

We eat everything and enjoy the delicious food and drink. When we're finished, Hunter whisks me away for a walk on the beach.

In the moonlight, the sand looks like flecks of diamonds.

"Is this the adventure?" I look around in awe as Hunter slips an arm around me.

"No, we're nearly there."

I lean into him, and we continue along the sand until we reach a grove of palm trees, then we’re on the rocky path.

I spot the entrance to a cave ahead with light flickering inside it.

“We’re here,” Hunter announces, motioning toward the cave. “Welcome to Animal Flower Cave.”

“Animal Flower Cave? What an interesting name.” I noticed that a lot of the places we’ve been to have names like that.

“I thought so, too.”

“We’re actually going inside the cave?”

“Yes. Wait until you see what’s inside.” In the moonlight, his smile looks animated and full of energy.

The warm glow of excitement flows through me, and I can’t wait to get inside.

We continue on the rocky path until we reach the mouth of the cave.

My breath catches as I take in the sudden beauty laid out before me, and my entire being stalls with utter surprise.

Candles are placed carefully along the entrance, ledges, and the crevices of the rugged walls, casting a golden light around the cave and the water inside it.

It looks like something from a secret world. A place in a fantasy that exists out of time and full of magic.

We walk inside, immersing ourselves in the beauty and the golden candlelight wrapping around us like a comforting embrace.

The still water invites me in, its surface a perfect, undisturbed mirror reflecting the flickering lights.

“You like it?” Hunter asks, stepping in front so he can look at me.

I open my mouth but am filled with so much admiration I can’t talk.

The smile in his eyes reaches out to me with this newfound warmth I’ve discovered in him. “I take it that means yes.”

“Oh my God. I’ve never been anywhere like this.” I look around and absorb the beauty.

“It’s ours for the night.”
