Page 127 of Ruthless Hunter

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It’s only then that I’m able to get away.

I run out of the room with tears blinding me and my heart now in pieces.

People say love hurts. I didn't know what they meant until now.

I hurt like death has come for me because I love him too.

Chapter 30


Igaze at the paperwork laid out before me on my desk, but all the words on the document scramble into one dark mass.

The worst thing anyone could ever do when your mind is fucked is work on important contracts where you need to pay attention to the fine print.

I’m only doing it because for once in my life, I’m behind in my work and working is the only thing I know will keep me sane.

It's been three days since I last saw Luna.

Three fucking days since we had that big blow-up here in this office.

I've managed to keep the situation under wraps because I couldn't bear Asher, Luc, or my parents talking to me about it.

The only person who's aware of what's going on is Paige. I thought it was fair to tell her since she’d worry.

Luna left me just like I feared she would, and I still became the villain in the end.

Now all I have left of my wife are memories of a love I never thought I'd have.

I came clean, but I always knew there was no guarantee that telling the truth would be my saving grace.

My sin was too terrible. And Luna was right—I never considered how she'd be impacted by my plans when I stepped into her life.

The problem isn't what's happening now or even what was happening all along. The problem occurred from the beginning, from the moment I thought I could use her.

Her father is my enemy, not her, but I was so full of revenge that I didn't care.

Then I acted like a man who was in love, and I chased her selfishly, wanting her for myself the same way Hades did with Persephone. Except Hades never planned to let Persephone go. I did.

I knew what the end goal was, and I still did all of it anyway. I even wrecked all Luna’s chances with Ryan, and it was all for nothing.

Because she’s gone.

My wife is gone, and I’m here wondering if I should let her go as planned so she can be with someone more deserving of her than me.

I can’t even believe those thoughts are in my head, but I’ve had to consider it because I love her.

That’s why I’ve left her alone like she asked. I respected her request even though I've called her numerous times.

I found out Luna is staying with Emily. It was her who called to let me know.

Emily has turned out to be quite an ally, but in this situation, the call was a courtesy since she was mad at me too. I didn’t have to ask if Luna told her what happened. It was obvious.

None of that matters now. That said, although I wish Luna were here with me, I'm glad she didn't go back to her father's house.

He and Kimberly are away for another four days. It would be good if we could find out as much as we can about Layla before they get back.

I’m guessing both Luna and Emily kept their silence like I hoped they would and never mentioned anything to Dominic.
