Page 13 of Ruthless Hunter

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With that thought, I continue down the path, leaving her watching me.

We’ll talk again soon enough.

Chapter 4


Iwalk into my room feeling like shit warmed up on a rusty hotplate.

I need a painkiller, or possibly a hundred.

The headache that's been brewing all day has finally taken hold and it feels like I have a construction site in my head. Digger trucks and bulldozers are crashing against the walls of my mind, wreaking havoc.

Only three days have gone by since Hunter Le Blanche stormed into my life.

Three damn days.

So little time has passed, but it seems like eons. And things have only gone from bad to catastrophic. Like being stuck in a Friday the 13th movie knowing you could be next to die.

When Dad told me I had to move in with Hunter by Sunday I lost my mind all over again. The new demand was like pouring a mixture of salt and acid over my already-opened wounds, incinerating the little hope I had left.

Not that there’s much to hope for, but I thought I at least had a few weeks left here before I had to leave. Not mere days.

I grab my purse from the dresser, locate the box of painkillers I always keep in the side pocket and pop two pills into my mouth. I wash them down with the glass of lemonade Jenna brought up for me earlier, then I retreat to my bed.

Sitting on the edge with my back straight, I look around at what remains of my beautiful childhood bedroom. Most of my things have been packed up now. Ready to go.

It's only the big things and my books that are left. The things I’ll still need to use until I go.

My gaze lands on my journal sitting on the nightstand. Peeking out of it is the powder pink paper of my bucket list of things I want to do before I turn thirty.

I took it out the night I was supposed to give Ryan my V card. I forgot to put it away.

The list was Mom’s idea, except most of it was completed after she died.

We started it together when I was eight where I added two things to the list.

Every year after that I was to do the same so that by the time I turned eighteen I could start living some of my dreams. The goal was to get to thirty. So I’d have thirty things to do before I turned thirty.

Apart from working at the charity, this is the only sentimental connection I have to my mother. Before she got sick, she was a pinnacle of strength to those who looked up to, but no one idolized Melanie Bianchi more than me.

I pick up the list and mull over it with a heavy heart. The first couple of things are mostly about traveling and education. Like number eight which was to climb Mount Kilimanjaro like Mom did when she was eighteen, and number ten, getting into Harvard. Again like my mother.

I did both of those things and even though Mom was no longer with me, I still felt the same euphoria I knew I would have felt if she was. Maybe more so because I still kept the dreams on my bucket list alive for myself.

By the time I was twenty I wanted to move onto the adult-type life goals on the list. Specifically numbers twenty to twenty-three.

20. Lose my virginity to the man I love.

21.Get married to him and move into the house of our dreams.

22. Have four kids.

23.Travel the world together

I wrote all of those with Ryan in mind, not even thinking that things could change so damn drastically.

I was so sure I was going to sleep with him the other night I had the pen ready to tick it off the list. But what happened is like someone’s idea of a twisted fairytale where nothing is how you expect it to be. Not for me.
