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Chapter 1


Igrit my teeth as the noise from upstairs makes my temples ache.

The building is supposed to be soundproof, at least from what the agent told me when I came for the apartment tour, but now I'm sure he lied.

They always do—that's how they hook you in.

But who, in their right mind, would have a party going on until one am on a weeknight? In a high-rise building where other people live? No consideration for the neighbors, geez.

The level of noise and the hours they have been going at it—the stomping and the shouting, would put the best clubs in the city to shame.

Unfortunately, I'm the one bearing the brunt of it.

I was looking forward to getting all my stuff arranged and situated after working the entire day with the moving company. And now I can’t think straight with all the noise, this is ridiculous.

I exhale, rubbing my temples and abandoning the DIY wall decor I've been trying to install for the last thirty minutes.

"Someone has got to do something, does no one else hear the racket," I murmur.

Marching to my bedroom, I throw on a long robe and slippers. Belting it tight, I storm out of my apartment, growing livid at the interruption.

As soon as the elevator doors open, I go down the hall, heading for the first door to my left, where it's obvious the noise is coming from.

I knock on the door.

No answer.

"Of course," I mutter angrily. "The music is so loud they can’t hear me knocking."

Folding my hand into a fist, I rear back and reach out again, but my hand never makes contact with the door because someone chooses that moment to open it.

I nearly break my fall on the face of a blonde woman blowing bubbles with her gum. She doesn’t even flinch.

As I gather myself, I see she has on a skimpy skirt with a halter top—at least what is left of the top.

"You here for the party?" She asks.

"No," I shake my head. "Are you the tenant here?"

She frowns as if comprehending my question is complex.


"Do you live here?" I raise my voice. "I'm looking for the person who lives here."

It finally registers with her, and she nods.

"Gabe! You want to see Gabe. Come in, he's somewhere inside."

I jerk back when she tries to take my hand, shaking my head.

"If you don't mind, I'd rather wait out there. Please tell him I’d like to speak with him."

She shrugs, blowing and popping.

"Suit yourself, I’ll let him know.”
