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Icannot stop staring at her.

I don’t want to stop either, but there’s no way to hide it when we are both seated in the back of the car, being driven to the testing center.

I knew I should have sat up front in the passenger’s seat. The need to be close to Harper kept me from doing so because I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what she is thinking. It’s been a week since we had sex, and she’s said nothing about it.

Perhaps I should speak up like I did the last time, but I want whatever happens next to be on her terms. I don’t want to come off as clingy when I tell Harper that sex with her is the best I have ever had and that I’d do anything to spend more time with her.

She would most likely laugh and tell me to stop teasing her, but it is the truth. It might have started as sexual attraction, but I want more of her now. I think about taking her golfing again so I can teach her to swing while standing behind her.

I want to watch her roll the ball at a bowling alley and see her grin as the pins fall to their doom. I think about the spring in her step as she marches from one store to the next, picking out home furnishings to her heart’s content.

My bed doesn’t feel the same without her in it, and it’s felt her presence only twice.

That is how much I want Harper—like I’ve never wanted anyone before.

“Take a picture,” she says, and I realize I’ve been staring at her the entire time I was lost in thoughts, “Go ahead, it certainly lasts longer.”

I resort to the only thing I know best: teasing Harper. “Nope,” I shake my head. “I want the real thing. Why don’t we—”

She shocks me with how quickly she moves from her corner to mine, slapping her palm across my mouth to keep me from completing my sentence.

Her eyes widen after the deed is done. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that, I promise. I just—” and she trails off.

The look of horror, regret, and embarrassment on her face makes me laugh. “It’s okay. I should have kept it PG. We are on our way to a meeting after all, and you are an advocate for keeping our personal lives separate from work.”

“No, no,” she shakes her head. “It’s not that. I mean, I don’t see anything wrong with what you said it’s just...”

I stop her rambling with a kiss on the cheek, and she gasps, eyes darting to the driver.

“He can see us,” she whispers.

I shrug. “I don’t care. Besides, it was a kiss on the cheek. What is wrong with that?”

“I see,” Harper responds, but there’s a pleased smile perched in the corner of her face. “All right then. But no more.”

“Scout’s honor,” I place a hand on my chest, “I promise to behave until the day ends. And by day, I mean when we are done at the site. I doubt I can be on my best behavior longer than that.”

She lifts a brow, chuckles softly, and looks away while I’m left staring at her, wondering how I’ll keep my promise.


It turns out to be incredibly hard, but not noticeable by anyone at the site, thanks to my superhuman ability to focus on two things simultaneously.

After inspecting the various testing stages, commenting on some that need more work, and praising aspects that turned out well, I decide to take the team out for dinner. Dinner goes well, and the day is a huge success.

Harper and I end up in the same car we came in, and I offer to drop her off at home. Since we live in the same apartment building.

“That went well,” she says happily as the car pulls away from the restaurant. “I was a bit nervous.”

“Why?” I ask concerned. “You didn’t have anything to do with this area of the project.”

She nods. “I know, but as I explained, this project has become personal. If you recall, I was the one who saved the company from losing billions the last time, and we had to check on that same tech product today. I guess I was worried that it might fail the test.”

I reach for her hand across the seat, interlacing it with mine. I would kiss the back of her palm but decide it’s probably not a good idea.

“You’ve done more than I hired you for, Harper. Anything more, and I’ll be indebted to you.”
